Stoops interview by USC radio


Well-Known Member
Ive been obsessed with the Stoops rumors since they hit one of the other boards... Not cause of stoops alone but more a fascination with the "anatomy of a secret" I found this radio interview and think a couple things are noteworthy...

Stoops mentioned that he's been offered 3 or 4 jobs and that he expects to have something in place by early January, maybe second week, after the bowl games. (NE and OSU clearly arent operating in those timeframes... Also sounds like the timing someone else alluded too...) He says the positions he is <I>considering</I> all have great coaches that treat you well and have strong families... Discusses that taking a job is more difficult than just a good fit because you have to see how things will shake out in the NFL and that there are a lot of things still in motion. (I know a NFL centric coach working in college...)

Idea of working for Steve Spurrier appealing to Mike Stoops (AUDIO) |

If you guess that he's been offered Iowa, OSU, FAU, and maybe Nebraska... There is only one open job that he's still considering. Hmmm... He says he likes spurrier, stops short of saying he'd want the USC job, says he has not been offered the job...

Long and short... Fitting all of the pieces together, excluding what we think we know about Kirks philosophies (I think most don't really know his thinking), I personally believe Stoops is in the mix

So here is the pipe dream... Aiken returns to Iowa as a Dline coach, taking Norms resident emeritus position (he qualifies for the NFL pension) and Stoops takes over as D-cord and hits the road as a recruiter.
Hmmm. This is good. I would love this. I think with how many rumors turn out to be true on here, that Stoops could very well happen.
Oh yah?

[ame=]Fargo Yeah - YouTube[/ame]
If I were a betting man I'd take as much action as I could collect from those who think Stoops will be the Iowa DC and I'd be on the opposite side.
Seriously, how long would Stoops stick around? I'd think the first FIU/Akron/etc that came calling for a head coaching spot would be his next stop. He wouldn't be a long term fit and I'm sure that's what KF is looking for.
Jon- I would go further and put odds that Aiken is the man.

Well, he was #1 on the list I put out the night Norm retired, with Phil Parker next.

IF Aiken is named the have to wonder what that would do internally with guys like Phil and Darrell.

But no use in spending too much time debating that until we know who the hire is
What about Parker?

What about him ? I'm one who believes that there is a need for some new blood on this staff and this would be the perfect time to start. I only wish that Kirk would grow a set and make the Iowa fans happy by showing KOK the door and then hire a good OC and let the new guy do his job.
We don't really know KF's thinking??? After 13 years we don't know that he has just about the polar opposite coaching style of Stoops??? How many of Stoops' constant sideline meltdowns for the smallest offenses do you think KF would be willing to tolerate? I'd say exactly zero. And you know KF is such a big fan of blitzing and risk taking.
If its Phil Parker, what is KF waiting for to announce it? Makes no sense. The next DC would appear to be somebody that has not decided on the offer or does not want an announcement at this time.
as for Parker and Wilson, I they would act like professionals
than act like a couple of spoiled 5 year old brats
they are supposed to be grownups in a profession that requires top notch behavior
if they want to stomp their field and want to be like the kid that takes the only ball, bat and glove home because he didn't get to be the pitcher
let them go and try to hit them in the *** on the way out the door
Yeah it's so great Iowa is going to have a new dc that his their first time doing it. Iowa coaching staff already struggles enough at key coaching points now Iowa will add another unproven coach
We don't really know KF's thinking??? After 13 years we don't know that he has just about the polar opposite coaching style of Stoops??? How many of Stoops' constant sideline meltdowns for the smallest offenses do you think KF would be willing to tolerate? I'd say exactly zero. And you know KF is such a big fan of blitzing and risk taking.

Oh I don't know about that, look at how Tate used to act on sideline. If he tolerated that from a player why wouldnt he tolerate it from a coach? I think he will hire the best man for the job.
that's it right there he needs to hire the best coach available,if it is within fine,if Stoops is the best available option then get him
i've seen Stoops get emotional and go ballistic on the refs
but i don't recall him going ballistic on his players
a chewing out maybe,but nothing like the outgoing D-L coach did on multiple occasions
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If its Phil Parker, what is KF waiting for to announce it? Makes no sense. The next DC would appear to be somebody that has not decided on the offer or does not want an announcement at this time.

The University of Iowa has to post the job opening for two weeks before they can announce who will be hired and seeing how the University hasn't posted the job opening yet they can't announce Norm's replacement.

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