Stanzi's Touch on the Deep Ball


Well-Known Member
Rewatching the game last night, one thing that I noticed over and over again is the touch that Stanzi had on the ball on the crossing routes to McNutt and DJK. I think someone may have brought up that KOK deserved the game ball for the play calling in these situations, but Stanzi's touch was unreal. He hit McNutt in perfect stride and put the ball where only DJK would be able to get it (granted, it was an amazing diving catch by him). Bottom line is that Stanzi seems to have put everything in order just when we need him to. Of course I say this with my fingers crossed.
Except for IU last year with the crazy wind, can't think of virtually any deep balls he's missed on (though DJK bailed him out on a few ducks against MN in 08). I am in the camp of those that consider him potentially a very good pro. Granted, small camp.
KOK is the QB coach. The touch on those deep balls is the result of KOK's coaching. To the extent it is natural ability, KOK deserves the game ball for finding Stanzi and for having the spine to stand up to Ferentz, who often wants to play older players, with respect to benching Jake in favor of Stanzi. The real turning point was when Stanzi had a decent drive or two in the first half of that Pitt game and then KOK benched Stanzi in favor of Jake after Stanzi blew up on the sidelines. That was when Stanzi matured, so KOK basically deserves the game ball for any game we win the rest of the season.
Except for IU last year with the crazy wind, can't think of virtually any deep balls he's missed on (though DJK bailed him out on a few ducks against MN in 08). I am in the camp of those that consider him potentially a very good pro. Granted, small camp.

He's missed two so far this season. One for McNutt against EIU and one for DJK last week.

He got lucky against EIU, if the safety had been in position the pass would have been picked. The one last week for DJK was beautiful, just a hair over thrown, but if DJK didn't come up with it nobody was getting it. It was a good pass.

I agree that Stanzi will be a good pro QB. His work ethic alone should be enough to land him on a roster somewhere.
He's missed two so far this season. One for McNutt against EIU and one for DJK last week.

He got lucky against EIU, if the safety had been in position the pass would have been picked. The one last week for DJK was beautiful, just a hair over thrown, but if DJK didn't come up with it nobody was getting it. It was a good pass.

I agree that Stanzi will be a good pro QB. His work ethic alone should be enough to land him on a roster somewhere.

That's right. Was trying to say that his deep misses this year are unusual for him and, as such, nothing to worry about.
Even joking about crediting KO'K for anything is enough to make me run for the whiskey. Seriously, if the U of I wanted to reduce game day binge drinking they only need to fire O'Keefe and every Saturday would be much healthier on my liver.
Even joking about crediting KO'K for anything is enough to make me run for the whiskey. Seriously, if the U of I wanted to reduce game day binge drinking they only need to fire O'Keefe and every Saturday would be much healthier on my liver.

My opinion on KOK is slowly changing. I've been a huge hater for several years because IMO he has failed to use Iowa's strengths as effectively as he could/should be.

It could be that his play-calling has gotten better, or it could be that Iowa is so deep at every offensive position it doesn't matter who gets the ball, something positive is going to happen. Time will tell.

I am still very critical of KOK but it's hard to argue that he's not doing a good job because through the first two game he's been successful with play-calling.

Of course winning always helps ;)
Against EIU, the one overthrown to McNutt really surprised me, usually Stanzi hits those but i just figured it was a first game thing to shake off. The one against ISU to DJK was bc of wind. If any of you were at Kinnick, you know it was windy that day. I looked up at the flags after the play and they were blowing in the direction of the pass, obviously just enough to push the ball past the fingertips of DJK. Any other day that pass is caught for a TD.
The one to DJK vs ISU was put on DJK for slowing down by gamefilm over on the other site. The other one Ricky overthrew by a couple of feet.

Ricky has always been an accurate deep of the best in Iowa recent history. See the touch pass to Colin Sandeman for a td in the Orange Bowl...amazing accuracy.

When you read the Arizona defensive coordinator's assessment of Ricky, he sounds like a surefire NFL prospect. Now, he might be blowing some smoke,but he was glowing about Ricky.
Against EIU, the one overthrown to McNutt really surprised me, usually Stanzi hits those but i just figured it was a first game thing to shake off. The one against ISU to DJK was bc of wind. If any of you were at Kinnick, you know it was windy that day. I looked up at the flags after the play and they were blowing in the direction of the pass, obviously just enough to push the ball past the fingertips of DJK. Any other day that pass is caught for a TD.
I thought the wind was more of a factor on the McNutt overthrow in the EIU game than the DJK overthrow against ISU.
Ricky is great at deep passes and crossing routes for sure just stay away from out not his throw for sure.
On the ISU DJK throw, ABC analyst Ed Cunningham thought DJK slowed down, gamefilm mentioned it in his analysis, and my wife said it to me in the stands, so it must be correct.
On the ISU DJK throw, ABC analyst Ed Cunningham thought DJK slowed down, gamefilm mentioned it in his analysis, and my wife said it to me in the stands, so it must be correct.

Everybody says this, but I just don't see it on the replay.
I disagree with the assessment that DJK slowed up or that the wind affected the throw. We were sitting in the North endzone and had a great view of the three big crossing route passes. (2 to DJK, one on a diving grab, and the other the big gainer to McNutt.) All three passes looked almost identical from our point of view, but the one Stanzi missed he clearly led the receiver too much.
Did anyone else giggle a little bit when they read the title of this thread?

:eek: - There's the difference between men and women, when talking football there can is no innuendo for guys. Yet girls giggle like... well, school girls :D

I guess we need a SDS (So to speak) at the end of the title.
The one to DJK vs ISU was put on DJK for slowing down by gamefilm over on the other site. The other one Ricky overthrew by a couple of feet.

I was at the game and I agree, DJK let up every so slightly, then the ball hung in the wind a tad. The wind was blowing fairly good at that point, at Ricky's back.

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