Speculation fun or agonizing?


Well-Known Member
I assume many of you are out there are just like me. Hoping that a trusted source, probably Jon Miller, will hear something substantial and leak it out to us knowing that it is 95% verifiable. So we check in every 30 minutes or so to see if anything new has come to surface. If not we just read all the rumors floating around to occupy ourselves.
I'm patient with many things, but with this kind of scope I'm not. I want to know who's going to be the man to put Iowa BBall back on the map again. I'm fairly confident it will happen again someday.Hopefully sooner than later.
Do you think it is fun to speculate, makes us all seem like experts?
Or do you think it is agonizing and we are all duping each other?
i'm taking a more laid-back approach, but i know some are agonizing about it. f-ball is my main passion, but i do like b-ball. i think it's fun to speculate. for example i like coach drew because he's a proven rebuilder and forbes because he's a recruiter. there, i just did a little speculating/hoping of my own!
i'm taking a more laid-back approach, but i know some are agonizing about it. f-ball is my main passion, but i do like b-ball. i think it's fun to speculate. for example i like coach drew because he's a proven rebuilder and forbes because he's a recruiter. there, i just did a little speculating/hoping of my own!

Oh, damn you! More to agonize about!:p
Fun for the 1st 3 or 4 days, agonizing for the next 3 or 4 days, and now it has moved quickly toward maddening...
I think the ones that are agonizing the most are the ones that have one name that they'll be happy with and disappointed if anyone else is hired. I have about 7-8 names, most of whom would appear to still be in play, that I'd be happy with. I'm am excited to hear who it is, and am somewhat fearful Barta will goof, but I'm not waiting on pins and needles.
The speculation itself and the wait involved is agonizing. However, watching all the speculating going on and all the frustration, meltdowns, backbiting and umbrage it's caused is endlessly entertaining.

So, participating in the speculation? Agonizing.
Spectating the speculation? Awesome.
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We can either laugh or cry. Laughing seems the better approach.

I think speculation fun is good for the laughter part. I posted a little humor coaching search thread earlier on this and another site and some Hawkeye fans were ready to burn me at the stake.

Sometimes we take things too seriously and get stressed out by the wait, lack of information, etc. Not good for odds of a long life.

Few if any of us can control the search process. So let's enjoy the process and have a little fun with it. :)
I think the ones that are agonizing the most are the ones that have one name that they'll be happy with and disappointed if anyone else is hired. I have about 7-8 names, most of whom would appear to still be in play, that I'd be happy with. I'm am excited to hear who it is, and am somewhat fearful Barta will goof, but I'm not waiting on pins and needles.

I have a couple of names I would be real happy with and probably some that I have not thought of would be good too. My fear is some of the names I hear do not thrill me at all. I just want them to hire someone that is successful either now or in the past and some of the names I am hearing have only had moderate success like Gregory. So I am trusting in Barta and the search group to get it right this time.
Speculation is fun and okay.

Can't stand threads that have a purpose of tearing apart resumes and ripping on names that are being speculated upon. If people have a favorite name, then they should just have fun promoting the guy they want rather than ripping on everyone else. Just stupid to do that.

I don't have a favorite. But with the Big10 zigging with half-court slow-down offenses I think Iowa should zag. And up-tempo, to me, doesn't mean not playing defense.
It is fun AND agonizing! Not unlike Christmas during childhood...we know the day is coming...we're hoping for something good and the not knowing feels as if it's going to kill us!
Ripping was the only way that we got rid of Liickliter. Barta listened
Uh, yeaaaah, I'm sure that Barta was listening to "us" ripping on Lickliter so that was why "we" got rid of him. It had absolutely nothing to do with some players telling him they might consider leaving if Lickliter stayed.
I am laughing so hard it is agonizing. The longer the wait, the more detached from reality people get. I hope we never hire a coach.
I am guessing that Barta gets plenty of fan input on his e-mail and after hearing the same thing over and over some of it just might sink in.

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