Someone at MNF needs to get fired.


Who was the genius who booked Miami, JVille, KC Twice, St. Louis twice, Minny...?

Counting this week and last week there will only be 3 games in 11 weeks between likely playoff teams.

Who was the genius who booked Miami, JVille, KC Twice, St. Louis twice, Minny...?

Counting this week and last week there will only be 3 games in 11 weeks between likely playoff teams.



Don't rule out the Chiefs yet.... AFC WEST is horrible, and they get a not so good Chargers team at home next sunday...
don't they usually try and schedule it for two good teams? i thought that was a weird pairing too.
sucked ever since they switched it from abc to espn anyhow. unfortunately, sans world series, it's only game in town on mondays. glad I missed last nights game.although I saw matt roth get a couple of good plays on.
I can't believe someone would have watched that crap last night over the World Series, I'm curious to see the ratings, I know the World Series had a higher rating for Sunday night then the football game. Even if your not a huge baseball fan this has been one of the best World Series in some time.
Even if your not a huge baseball fan this has been one of the best World Series in some time.

How so? The best teams in baseball are not even playing in the World Series. Very few people outside of St Louis or Dallas/Ft Worth even care. The Cubs signing a new team president is bigger news than the World Series.
How so? The best teams in baseball are not even playing in the World Series. Very few people outside of St Louis or Dallas/Ft Worth even care. The Cubs signing a new team president is bigger news than the World Series.

The games have been very good (outside of game 4) that is how. Also how can you say the Cardinals aren't better than the Phillies? They took 3 out of 4 in Philadelphia in late September then beat them head to head in the division series. They were 6-3 in the last 9 games against the Phillies. The Yankees might have been the best in the AL but IMO they weren't because they didn't have the pitching.

Having the best record and being the best team in baseball are two different things with the unbalanced schedules.
The games have been very good (outside of game 4) that is how. Also how can you say the Cardinals aren't better than the Phillies? They took 3 out of 4 in Philadelphia in late September then beat them head to head in the division series. They were 6-3 in the last 9 games against the Phillies. The Yankees might have been the best in the AL but IMO they weren't because they didn't have the pitching.

After a 162 game schedule the Phillies won 102 games, the Cardinals won 90. The best team in the NL did not make it to the World Series. Go look at the ratings and see how many people are actually watching these games.

Having the best record and being the best team in baseball are two different things with the unbalanced schedules.

They are not 2 different things, it isn't like they are only playing 16 games in a season. They are playing a 162 game schedule, the best team will have the best record.
Why do people still not understand that although the best team in MLB may not appear to win the World Series, the fact is more often than not that the team playing the best baseball at the most crucial moments of the season generally does. Very rarely would I say that the team thought to be the "best" during the regular season, wins the World Series. They play the games for a reason. If the "best team in baseball" wanted to win the World Series, or be playing in the World Series, then maybe they should have won 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 7 prior to the World Series, correct?
Otherwise I will argue that they effectively debunked themselves from being coined the "best team" or "teams" in baseball.
How so? The best teams in baseball are not even playing in the World Series. Very few people outside of St Louis or Dallas/Ft Worth even care. The Cubs signing a new team president is bigger news than the World Series.

You could enter 2 cities into that equation and say the same thing every year. Unless it is Boston or the Yankees, pick another 2 cities and will non-baseball fans even care? Baseball fans are watching this WS and I can guarantee you they think it is a good series. The only reason the Cubs would be a watch, and probably a big reason they have a lot of fans, is because they haven't been there in so long. Not sure what you are getting at.
How so? The best teams in baseball are not even playing in the World Series. Very few people outside of St Louis or Dallas/Ft Worth even care. The Cubs signing a new team president is bigger news than the World Series.

If you can't tell the difference between a great series and a high-profile series, then you shouldn't bother talking about baseball at all. Just because the "best" teams aren't playing doesn't mean the series isn't great. Packed with drama and tension, just like any great WS should be.
You could enter 2 cities into that equation and say the same thing every year. Unless it is Boston or the Yankees, pick another 2 cities and will non-baseball fans even care? Baseball fans are watching this WS and I can guarantee you they think it is a good series. The only reason the Cubs would be a watch, and probably a big reason they have a lot of fans, is because they haven't been there in so long. Not sure what you are getting at.

I'm sure MOST Cubs fans are watching, simply because whether you like Cubs fans or not, you cannot deny Cubs fans love baseball as much, if not more so than nearly any fanbase. This is a result of as you said, the Cubs lack of success. Cubs fans are baseball fans. Hell, I'm in a very small minority, but when the Cubs aren't playing the Cardinals I root for the Cardinals. My Grandpa was a die hard Cubs fan, his son, my Dad, fell in love with Stan Musial and became a Cardinals fan, and I fell in love with Ryne Sandberg and became a Cubs fan. My Dad loves the Cardinals, so I have no problem hoping they win a World Series if the Cubs obviously are out of the picture.
I would be more inclined to watch the baseball playoffs if they played them a month earlier. No way they can keep me halfway through football season. In fact, I actually get resentful when baseball talk gets in the way of football talk, which makes it less likely I will watch baseball.
In playoffs and series, the team that gets "hot" typically wins. Both the Cardinals and Texas got hot when it mattered.

The Phillies and Yankees might be the best two teams in baseball overall, but they still have to win to play in the World Seriers and neither could do that...pretty simple really.

Win or you are out...
If you can't tell the difference between a great series and a high-profile series, then you shouldn't bother talking about baseball at all. Just because the "best" teams aren't playing doesn't mean the series isn't great. Packed with drama and tension, just like any great WS should be.

So, what does this have to do with anything I've posted? It is the World Series, you can match any teams in it and if it goes 6 or 7 games there is going to be drama & tension. But it does not mean people are watching it. My team is not in the WS and I am tired of baseball so I am not watching much of it. The ratings suggest I am not the only one.

Why do people still not understand that although the best team in MLB may not appear to win the World Series, the fact is more often than not that the team playing the best baseball at the most crucial moments of the season generally does. Very rarely would I say that the team thought to be the "best" during the regular season, wins the World Series. They play the games for a reason. If the "best team in baseball" wanted to win the World Series, or be playing in the World Series, then maybe they should have won 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 7 prior to the World Series, correct?

Anybody can get hot and win a 5 or 7 game series. Even the worst teams in baseball are capable of winning a series. But it takes a really good team to win over 100 games in the regular season.

I get what the WS is all about. All I am commenting on is why people are not watching it. If this World Series was the Yankees vs the Phillies then it would be getting a lot more interest.

I'm sure MOST Cubs fans are watching, simply because whether you like Cubs fans or not, you cannot deny Cubs fans love baseball as much, if not more so than nearly any fanbase. This is a result of as you said, the Cubs lack of success. Cubs fans are baseball fans. Hell, I'm in a very small minority, but when the Cubs aren't playing the Cardinals I root for the Cardinals. My Grandpa was a die hard Cubs fan, his son, my Dad, fell in love with Stan Musial and became a Cardinals fan, and I fell in love with Ryne Sandberg and became a Cubs fan. My Dad loves the Cardinals, so I have no problem hoping they win a World Series if the Cubs obviously are out of the picture.

Where are you getting your information from? I am a huge Cub fan, have been all my life but I am more interested in the Epstein acquisition than I am the World Series. All I care about the WS is to see if the Cardinals lose and I do not have to watch a 3 hour game to find that out.
I can't believe someone would have watched that crap last night over the World Series, I'm curious to see the ratings, I know the World Series had a higher rating for Sunday night then the football game. Even if your not a huge baseball fan this has been one of the best World Series in some time.
The World Series is getting low ratings, but beat the 2 bad NFL games this past weekend on Sunday and Monday nights.

World Series ratings on track with lowest ever -- but swamp NFL
These games are scheduled in April and it is tough to predict who is going to be doing well and who is going to tank. I do not know how they select the games and if one network has a priority over another. But you look at last weeks schedule and there were not many good matchups, especially if you were looking at it back in April. The Vikings/Packers one looked good but did Fox have that one locked down? Back in April a New Orleans/Indianapolis looked good but did NBC get to select before MNF? Jets/Chargers is another but again does CBS have the rights to that game locked down? Bears/Bucs was played in the UK so you could not put that game on a Monday night.

So if those games were already selected you look at what's left and a 12-4 Baltimore at a 8-8 Jacksonville starts to look pretty good.
After a 162 game schedule the Phillies won 102 games, the Cardinals won 90. The best team in the NL did not make it to the World Series. Go look at the ratings and see how many people are actually watching these games.

They are not 2 different things, it isn't like they are only playing 16 games in a season. They are playing a 162 game schedule, the best team will have the best record.

They are 2 different things because they aren't in the same division. The Cardinals played everyone in the Central 18 or 19 times, the Phillies played everyone in the Central either 6 or 7 times. The Cardinals played everyone in the East 6 or 7 times, the Phillies played everyone in the East 18 or 19 times. They also didn't play the same AL teams in interleague play and in fact may not have played the same number of interleague games.

What is so hard to understand that with the unbalanced schedule the team with the best record isn't necessarily the best team? The Cardinals beat the Phillies head to head in the season series and in the playoffs, how can you say the Phillies are better when they didn't play the same schedule as the Cardinals and had a losing record against the Cardinals?