Some Reachable Goals


Well-Known Member
I like the staff that Fran has put together and I do truly believe he will get Iowa back to being a consistent 20 game winning team, but for the short term I think some reachable goals to shoot for in the next 2 seasons would be something along the lines of:

2010-11: 7 total Big 10 wins, 16 wins overall - On the cusp of an NIT invite

2011-12: 9 total Big 10 wins, 19 wins overall - At least in the conversation for NCAA Bubble Team

Everyone knows the key to future success will be the result of how well Coach can recruit, and the 2012 recruiting class has at least 3 studs in the State of Iowa alone that should be prime targets for the Hawks (specifically the point guard Paige).

I definitely see better times ahead for the program, but it just might take another couple of years to get re-established as an upper division Big 10 program.
My only expectation for his first year is improvement throughout the season. I believe Fran will do a great job looking forward to Iowa BB again (finally)
I agree for the most part...however 16 wins in 2010-2011 is probably a little too lofty. Finding 6 more wins seems tough with the same roster minus our best player(Fuller). Sure we add some nice freshman, but I see us winning 10-12 games in 2010-11 and then 16-18 in 2011-2012.
I just want us to win some games early in the season this year so that our season isn't over in Nov/Dec.
Haha some of you guys are hilarious. My expectation is visible improvement, more exciting style of play and a recruiting class that ranks in the top 25 nationally or top 5 in the B10
I am not all that concerned about wins and losses. I am more concerned about players. My expectations. To go along with the three 3* guys from this year, at least 2 strong sure fire Big Ten starter types by the end of the 2011 recruiting process.
I agree for the most part...however 16 wins in 2010-2011 is probably a little too lofty. Finding 6 more wins seems tough with the same roster minus our best player(Fuller). Sure we add some nice freshman, but I see us winning 10-12 games in 2010-11 and then 16-18 in 2011-2012.
Don't under estimate the effect of using players to get the most out of their ability and having a team play as a team and believe in the game plan as something that can actually result in a win.
My biggest hope is that I feel like I finally have a team to root for. I just want them to play hard for each other, be teachable, and at the end of the year stick together and let Fran bring in the next batch of recruits. There is alot to be said for bringing in players and having them mature for 4 or 5 years.

Go Hawks!!!
My biggest hope is that I feel like I finally have a team to root for. I just want them to play hard for each other, be teachable, and at the end of the year stick together and let Fran bring in the next batch of recruits. There is alot to be said for bringing in players and having them mature for 4 or 5 years.

Go Hawks!!!

Well said, how about no mention of system or butler in a presser?? How about no throwing players under the bus?
Regardless of our win improvement, it is going to be nice to get excited about watching an Iowa BB game again, rather than be put asleep by pass, pass, pass, pass, turnover & 45 pts a game.
I still feel there will be at least one more and maybe two more additions to the current team. If we can add an athletic guard that can get to the rim and create then I'm predicating 16-14 overall and a NIT bid. If we go into the season with the current roster then 13-17 and no post season. Everyone agrees that the next two recruiting classes will tell us if we have hired the right man. Good Luck Fran!!!!
I think we can see 3 to 6 more wins this year. Even better, I think we'll see an increase (albeit incremental) in the number of Big Ten wins.

Yes, we lost our best player in Fuller, but other then that, what did we lose?? Bawinkle?? OK, he was a decent outside shooter, but the experience gained by last year's freshmen and sophmores will more then make up for that loss. And the additions of Besabe, McCabe and Marble will help offset the loss of Fuller.

If the team works hard and has fun, I think we have a chance at 7 to 10 wins in the OOC portion of the schedule alone. Then if we improve in the Big Ten as well, we're looking at (potentially) a .500 season overall.

Now, where's my kewl aid??

Lots of Kool-Aid drinkers on this board. The schedule isn't out yet...but I would imagine we will struggle to get to 10 wins.
7 Big 10 wins would be really tough this year I would think. Plus I'm curious to see what Fran has in store as far as implementing his system because I'm not sure you want to come out and run with this roster. A lot of unknowns heading into this year but that is part of the thing that makes it exciting.
From a win/loss perspective I'd like to see 15 wins (at least 5 Big Ten wins).

As far as moral victories, I'd like to eliminate the 5+ minute scoring droughts that seemingly happened in every game. Also NO DEFECTIONS at the end of the season.

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