Some of my thoughts regarding the PSU mess


Well-Known Member
I have seen people defending and destroying all sides of this scandal in these threads. One of the defenses for PSU I have a really hard time seeing at all is the idea that none of the athletes, faculty, etc. knew what going on and they should see little or no repercussion from what ever is coming. I get the fact that many of the kids and adults as well may have been in the dark but I don't necessarily see that as a pass. A lot of people will disagree with that and that is just fine.
My most direct example and reason for not accepting this is my experiences in my adult life as well as the experiences as a child living in Cedar Rapids. When I was a child my father worked for FMC in Cedar Rapids and he did so for nineteen years and nine months. He lost his job three months shy of a full retirement because the company closed the doors and left the state. That wasn't because he did anything wrong or wasn't fully invested in the success of the company. It was completely out of his control. My family had to change their lives because of something that wasn't their fault. Something that wasn't my or my two brothers fault. Hundreds of families in and around Cedar Rapids had to change their lives because of something that was not their fault. Something that they had no control over.
Now as an adult I live in Montana and I am an underground hard rock miner for Stillwater Mining Company. In December 2008 there was over 550 people working at the East Boulder mining project. I went to work on our first shift and after our work day was finished we all got onto the us for the ride home and we stopped at the company's office building in Big Timber Montana. We where all told... "Effective immediately the East Boulder project is being shutdown. You will all be given sixty days pay and we (the company) will be going into restructure mode. We may or may not reopen the mine." They did reopen the mine and I was fortunate enough to be called back to work twelve days later but I was one of only 212 people to be called back. No, I wasn't adversely effected because I did get called back but the other 300 plus people where. Those people where forced to change their lives. Many lost their homes. Many where forced to move. Change schools. Forced to downsize everything they had known.
Back to PSU now... What happened was bad. Really, really bad. There is likely still more yet to come out. There is still an unbelievable amount of "pass the buck" coming out of Happy Valley. It's virtually impossible to argue the validity and the seriousness of what has happened at this point. Regardless of the fact that thousands of students and faculty where not in the know of Sandusky's terrible actions, they are all a part of that culture and that University and that scandal. There is an a terrible storm coming to Happy Valley and it is just on the horizon at this point. If the students and faculty do not wish to weather that storm it is time to move on. The students and athletes are young. We and they are all going to get kicked in the nards for things that are out of our control our entire lives. It is part of life. That's the way it is. It's a crappy deal but they've got it right now and it's not going away any time soon. If the law hammers those involved at PSU, it is deserved. If the NCAA sanctions or hands down the "death penalty," it is deserved. If the Big Ten conference gives them the boot, it is deserved. God only knows what will actually happen at this point but it is time time to just accept the situation for what it is and what it is worth. No one has or will win.
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My buddy lives in Missoula. He gets up to Livingston from time to time because he has a sales gig.
My buddy lives in Missoula. He gets up to Livingston from time to time because he has a sales gig.

I've lived here most of my life. It's beautiful here. Have you ever been able to visit the area?

Funny thing is that the University of Montana is in seriously hot water right now as well.
Interesting story, paragraph some it though so it is easier to read.

The only way what happens to you and your family happens to PSU is if the Department of Education takes away their ability to give financial aid (federal funding). Something like that would be a death sentence to the institution and could ruin a number of peoples lives as they would be out of a job. Highly unlikely this happens, nor is it necessary. There is a lot of good that comes out of Penn State, I believe they are one of the leaders in cancer research which affects 1000s of lives if not millions. I would hate to see this come to an end because 4 people in high authority failed to do the right thing.

This is why I keep arguing that the NCAA needs to be involved as everything that happened at Penn State was done to protect the football program and the legacy of its head coach. The best course of action would be for the trustees at Penn State give themselves the death sentence and release all the players from their scholarships so they can pursue other opportunities. If Penn State was to do this to themselves without NCAA involvement it would bring a great deal of respect back to the institution and over time the wounds would heal. Right now nobody wants to be associated with the Penn State football program outside of PA & NJ, they need to go away for a couple of years. After that period of time people would welcome them back, even in the Big Ten and with the amount of talent in PA & NJ they would have no problem rebuilding the football program to its glory days.
Interesting story, paragraph some it though so it is easier to read.

The only way what happens to you and your family happens to PSU is if the Department of Education takes away their ability to give financial aid (federal funding). Something like that would be a death sentence to the institution and could ruin a number of peoples lives as they would be out of a job. Highly unlikely this happens, nor is it necessary. There is a lot of good that comes out of Penn State, I believe they are one of the leaders in cancer research which affects 1000s of lives if not millions. I would hate to see this come to an end because 4 people in high authority failed to do the right thing.

This is why I keep arguing that the NCAA needs to be involved as everything that happened at Penn State was done to protect the football program and the legacy of its head coach. The best course of action would be for the trustees at Penn State give themselves the death sentence and release all the players from their scholarships so they can pursue other opportunities. If Penn State was to do this to themselves without NCAA involvement it would bring a great deal of respect back to the institution and over time the wounds would heal. Right now nobody wants to be associated with the Penn State football program outside of PA & NJ, they need to go away for a couple of years. After that period of time people would welcome them back, even in the Big Ten and with the amount of talent in PA & NJ they would have no problem rebuilding the football program to its glory days.

I agree that there must be a lot of good that comes out of PSU and the intent of my post wasn't to contradict that fact. As someone who is completely uninvolved with the consequences that are coming I would be accepting if the PSU brass did choose to release all players and self impose the death penalty for at least a few years.
I've lived here most of my life. It's beautiful here. Have you ever been able to visit the area?

Funny thing is that the University of Montana is in seriously hot water right now as well.

Way back in 1989, I drove from Iowa to Seattle on I-90. Spent one night in Missoula. Never been to Livingston, though. Maybe some day. Love the Big Sky Country.
Livingston is known as the "Gateway to Yellowstone." Lots of recreational things to do near this area.

If I remember correctly, there has been 11 instances of reported sexual assaults in the last year on campus and there has been little or no action taken in every case. Gang rapes, players being hit with tasers, etc. I have read that the NCAA has sent them a letter similar to what Emmert sent to PSU. It's a shame because around here the Grizzly program had been viewed in the same light as PSU was. Montana is or I should say was one of the elite FCS programs. I believe they've been in the playoffs something like 21 of the last 22 seasons and have won 2 titles as well as played in I think 6 tile games.
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I actually drove to Missoula and was one of about 12 a holes wearing purple for the playoff game last year. It wasn't what I had in mind.

If I remember correctly, there has been 11 instances of reported sexual assaults in the last year on campus and there has been little or no action taken in every case. Gang rapes, players being hit with tasers, etc. I have read that the NCAA has sent them a letter similar to what Emmert sent to PSU. It's a shame because around here the Grizzly program had been viewed in the same light as PSU was. Montana is or I should say was one of the elite FCS programs. I believe they've been in the playoffs something like 21 of the last 22 seasons and have won 2 titles as well as played in I think 6 tile games.

Wow, this is the first I am hearing of this. This is why the NCAA needs to come down hard on these institutions to send a message that football should not be the center of the universe. There is way to much control given to people in control that are covering up horrible crimes all in the name of football. I love football as much as the next guy but football is a game, it is not life.
Wow, this is the first I am hearing of this. This is why the NCAA needs to come down hard on these institutions to send a message that football should not be the center of the universe. There is way to much control given to people in control that are covering up horrible crimes all in the name of football. I love football as much as the next guy but football is a game, it is not life.

100% agree. It's scary really. I've attended a few games in Missoula and the game day atmosphere is unbelievable. It is like a smaller version of Kinnick. The stadium is always sold out and the crowd is every bit as rowdy as Hawk fans. It's just too bad that there are these situations.
100% agree. It's scary really. I've attended a few games in Missoula and the game day atmosphere is unbelievable. It is like a smaller version of Kinnick. The stadium is always sold out and the crowd is every bit as rowdy as Hawk fans. It's just too bad that there are these situations.

I am a UNI fan as well so I am familiar with the atmosphere at Missoula. It is extremely rowdy and players even commented about stuff being dumped and thrown at them as they came out onto the field and leaving the field.
I am a UNI fan as well so I am familiar with the atmosphere at Missoula. It is extremely rowdy and players even commented about stuff being dumped and thrown at them as they came out onto the field and leaving the field.

I would have no doubt of that. I was the only one wearing purple in my section last season in Grizzly Stadium and I took a lot of hell for it. Definitely nothing like what I have seen per usual in Kinnick.
Prepare yourself for the rtards that will tell you that "no ncaa rules were broken".
Even though they literally broke every single ncaa compliance principle on the books, which in effect is BREAKING RULES.

Also prepare yourself for rtard comments about this being only about 4 or 5 good 'ole boys protecting each other and didn't have anything to do with football or the university.

Believe it or not these incredibly, incredibly stupid people exist and are in our midst.
The board is appointed by the Governor. I am curious as to why there haven't been calls to ask the Governor to ask the board to step down.

Like your story illustrates, people in power make decisions based on self-interest with very little regard to the little people who might get hurt. That is why I think it is highly unlikely the board would self-impose a death penalty.

In more likelihood, they will absorb the costs of this scandal by cutting back student services, freezing faculty hiring, and staff reductions. Oh yeah, tuition will go up too. But don't worry, the captains of industry will make sure they will be able to watch football from their luxury suites.
The board is appointed by the Governor. I am curious as to why there haven't been calls to ask the Governor to ask the board to step down.

Like your story illustrates, people in power make decisions based on self-interest with very little regard to the little people who might get hurt. That is why I think it is highly unlikely the board would self-impose a death penalty.

In more likelihood, they will absorb the costs of this scandal by cutting back student services, freezing faculty hiring, and staff reductions. Oh yeah, tuition will go up too. But don't worry, the captains of industry will make sure they will be able to watch football from their luxury suites.

I agree completely and aside from the victims that is the real tragedy.
Prepare yourself for the rtards that will tell you that "no ncaa rules were broken".
Even though they literally broke every single ncaa compliance principle on the books, which in effect is BREAKING RULES.

Also prepare yourself for rtard comments about this being only about 4 or 5 good 'ole boys protecting each other and didn't have anything to do with football or the university.

Believe it or not these incredibly, incredibly stupid people exist and are in our midst.

I expect all of that and am fine with it. I've just been pretty reserved about this whole situation and decided to put my opinion out there.
Interesting story, paragraph some it though so it is easier to read. The only way what happens to you and your family happens to PSU is if the Department of Education takes away their ability to give financial aid (federal funding). Something like that would be a death sentence to the institution and could ruin a number of peoples lives as they would be out of a job. Highly unlikely this happens, nor is it necessary. There is a lot of good that comes out of Penn State, I believe they are one of the leaders in cancer research which affects 1000s of lives if not millions. I would hate to see this come to an end because 4 people in high authority failed to do the right thing. This is why I keep arguing that the NCAA needs to be involved as everything that happened at Penn State was done to protect the football program and the legacy of its head coach. The best course of action would be for the trustees at Penn State give themselves the death sentence and release all the players from their scholarships so they can pursue other opportunities. If Penn State was to do this to themselves without NCAA involvement it would bring a great deal of respect back to the institution and over time the wounds would heal. Right now nobody wants to be associated with the Penn State football program outside of PA &NJ, they need to go away for a couple of years. After that period of time people would welcome them back, even in the Big Ten and with the amount of talent in PA=&NJ they would have no
problem rebuilding the football
program to its glory days.

Agreed with you, Shumans points are good too. The punishmwnt needs to go to the heart of where the crimes were committed.

The more I think, hear, and read, the more I think the least amount of harm to innocent staff and students would be from [ B]a "self imposed" death penalty[/B]. My HS son is right in stating that there are enough former athletes and alumni that will help them come back in the future under a different culture, than what was out of SMU. That way kids can still go to PSU for the academics and they will still get plenty of donars to help psu with the cival suits that will follow. The B1G can keep them without making any altering decisions. They can still participate in other sports (although maybe bar Cale and the wrestlers for 1 or 2 seasons just to get then out of the way), just no PSU football for a couple of years. Release all scholly players as well.

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