For those of you who are members or officers of a high school booster club...
1) What size school is your club attached to?
2) Does your club require a donation for anyone who wants to be an official member, or do you allow people to be members if they donate their time for things such as concessions, taking the door, helping work fundraisers, etc?
3) What (if any) benefits come with being a donor in your club (admission passes, concession discounts, other benefits)?
4) What levels do you divvy out perks ($25, $50, $100, $150, $250+ etc.)?
5) How are your officers chosen?
6) How many hours would you say you spend on booster-related activities per year?
7) How often do your officers rotate (every X years, as long as they want to serve, etc)?
8) How often do you meet and how well-attended are your meetings?
I've been a donor at my high school's booster club for 7 years this August (I'm 38), and my son will now be playing school sanctioned sports as an incoming 7th grader. All of the current officers but one are leaving this year, most are over 60, and I've been asked to step in. With lots of newer membership this year we have tossed some ideas around about changing things up to be a little more attractive to new people.
We currently meet once a month, and require donation for membership. We do however take any parent volunteers for concessions/fundraising, but they do not have any voting nor input into disbursement or club activities. Our individual, non-corporate donation levels go from $25 on up to $500+, starting at $50 you get a certain number of activity passes--at the $250 level all of your admission is free, at $500 you are free as well as your spouse and minor children. There are also discounts on school/club clothing after the $250 level. All of these conditions have been in effect as long as I've been a member, and I assume long before that.
If anyone has insight into things that have worked especially well for your club or things that have totally bombed, I'd be happy to hear experiences.
1) What size school is your club attached to?
2) Does your club require a donation for anyone who wants to be an official member, or do you allow people to be members if they donate their time for things such as concessions, taking the door, helping work fundraisers, etc?
3) What (if any) benefits come with being a donor in your club (admission passes, concession discounts, other benefits)?
4) What levels do you divvy out perks ($25, $50, $100, $150, $250+ etc.)?
5) How are your officers chosen?
6) How many hours would you say you spend on booster-related activities per year?
7) How often do your officers rotate (every X years, as long as they want to serve, etc)?
8) How often do you meet and how well-attended are your meetings?
I've been a donor at my high school's booster club for 7 years this August (I'm 38), and my son will now be playing school sanctioned sports as an incoming 7th grader. All of the current officers but one are leaving this year, most are over 60, and I've been asked to step in. With lots of newer membership this year we have tossed some ideas around about changing things up to be a little more attractive to new people.
We currently meet once a month, and require donation for membership. We do however take any parent volunteers for concessions/fundraising, but they do not have any voting nor input into disbursement or club activities. Our individual, non-corporate donation levels go from $25 on up to $500+, starting at $50 you get a certain number of activity passes--at the $250 level all of your admission is free, at $500 you are free as well as your spouse and minor children. There are also discounts on school/club clothing after the $250 level. All of these conditions have been in effect as long as I've been a member, and I assume long before that.
If anyone has insight into things that have worked especially well for your club or things that have totally bombed, I'd be happy to hear experiences.