Skins draft Cousins too = smart, dumb, or no big deal?


Well-Known Member
What say you? My gut reaction is dumb. Hell RG III already had to address it at his own press conference.
i can't imagine that would give a lot of confidence to the #2 overall QB taken in the draft......unless washington has absolutely no one capable of playing qb on their roster.
Rex grossman is the other quarterback on the roster now that John beck has been released today. do u have confidence in Rex at all ? I would hope not.
Now that all Davis has passed, the skins are trying to gain the worst run franchise in football crown.
its a great move. it maximizes the chances they found the qb of the future in this draft, and in the NFL you can't win without a qb. there is no downside to this at all. hes not going to seriously push RG3 so there's no issue there. if rg3 bombs you've got a backup plan. if RG3 plays well you've got a quality backup at a cheap price, and if cousins impresses as a backup he has trade value down the road (see kolb, cassel, and schuab). if they both bomb its not like you can't say they didn't try.
its a great move. it maximizes the chances they found the qb of the future in this draft, and in the NFL you can't win without a qb. there is no downside to this at all. hes not going to seriously push RG3 so there's no issue there. if rg3 bombs you've got a backup plan. if RG3 plays well you've got a quality backup at a cheap price, and if cousins impresses as a backup he has trade value down the road (see kolb, cassel, and schuab). if they both bomb its not like you can't say they didn't try.

Duff, I swear if we debated the shape of the earth you'd argue for flat.;)
seriously what's the downside? cousins isn't going to push RG3, like Rick he needs a couple years with a clipboard at least. if they do end up with a qb controversy it will be three years down the road and it will be because RG3 can't play.
The downside is that they have several other needs they could have addressed with that pick and instead they choose a backup QB.
its a great move. it maximizes the chances they found the qb of the future in this draft, and in the NFL you can't win without a qb. there is no downside to this at all. hes not going to seriously push RG3 so there's no issue there. if rg3 bombs you've got a backup plan. if RG3 plays well you've got a quality backup at a cheap price, and if cousins impresses as a backup he has trade value down the road (see kolb, cassel, and schuab). if they both bomb its not like you can't say they didn't try.
I agree, they have a cheap backup QB if anything happens to RG3. In the future he could be a very tradeable player to build the team. But if I was Cousins, I wouldn't be happy.
The downside is that they have several other needs they could have addressed with that pick and instead they choose a backup QB.

in the NFL there is no greater need than the qb position. a good one is worth 7+ wins per year. they had the opportunity to draft a qb in a place they thought he had great value. its hard to argue with that.
They only took RGIII because he is the HT winner and he was there. Does anyone think he'll be an effective NFL QB? Redskins would have been ridiculed as stupid for not taking him, realizing full well that he is not NFL quality. Thus, the backup plan. Simple.
They only took RGIII because he is the HT winner and he was there. Does anyone think he'll be an effective NFL QB? Redskins would have been ridiculed as stupid for not taking him, realizing full well that he is not NFL quality. Thus, the backup plan. Simple.

Are you serious? They traded two first round picks to move up to specifically so they could take Griffin. If they didn't want to draft him, they would have stayed put at 6.
You get that deep into the draft and you take the best player available regardless of position. It's not as though they passed over some other stellar player to make the pick.

No big deal. If he plays well they have a capable backup. If not, he was cheap and probably would make a pretty good scout team QB.
its a great move. it maximizes the chances they found the qb of the future in this draft, and in the NFL you can't win without a qb. there is no downside to this at all. hes not going to seriously push RG3 so there's no issue there. if rg3 bombs you've got a backup plan. if RG3 plays well you've got a quality backup at a cheap price, and if cousins impresses as a backup he has trade value down the road (see kolb, cassel, and schuab). if they both bomb its not like you can't say they didn't try.

I am kinda with you on this the Packers, Steelers or Patriots do this and it is a great move, a team like the Skins do it and it is considered dumb. It is basically what the Patriots have done with Hoyer and Mallet.

It worked for Atlanta with Vick/Schaub until Vick's dogfighting mess tore everything apart.
The Skins have no #1 pick for the next 3 years. If Cousins can develop into a good NFL QB, and there are a lot of indications he could, then he may be have very good trade value for a #1 or #2 draft pick in 2 years. Possibly a very smart move.
They only took RGIII because he is the HT winner and he was there. Does anyone think he'll be an effective NFL QB? Redskins would have been ridiculed as stupid for not taking him, realizing full well that he is not NFL quality. Thus, the backup plan. Simple.

to answer your question virtually every NFL scout and GM thinks RG3 will be a good NFL qb.

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