Skeptics, critics and believers alike. Everyone gets what they want.


Well-Known Member
So, The hawks have a new Offensive Coordinator. Brian Ferentz is the new most hated man. Some rejoice, while others ba humbug, and some are merely skeptical of the spectacle. The ushering in of the "Old Ferentz New Ferentz" Era should excite all comers. Let me tell you why.

First, possibly the least controversial of our illustrious fan base, the believers. These are the "Ferentz fans". We have all seen miraculous seasons. Great players, with great stories. We have seen development of NFL talent from the grassiest of roots. We have all watched as coach Ferentz has navigated the volatile waters of college football with class and poise. We have all bore witness to the rise of a legend donned in black and gold. Armed only with his faithful stick of chewing and a tattered and weathered miniature notebook. The believers have faith in their captain. No matter which way the wind blows they have faith that the captain will steer them to sunny shores. For the believers (there are more than a few) This new day brings the change and spark that you knew your captain would provide. Faith, as faith goes knows no boundaries. The future is once again bright and endless. The lands you will visit are unpredictable and full of wonder and amazement. Enjoy the ride.

Second are the "dissenters". The "critics" or "boo birds" as you will. It's always important to remember that these too are hawk fans in all. Each and everyone one no matter how small. These fans believe that the golden days are gone and past. They believe the future has already came and knocked and old coaches as old people do... simply did not hear the knocking at all. Some of the critics have grown so restless with 18 years of steady Eddie that they would put their deed down on 17 Red (roulette) just to feel some pang of excitement. This group of fans should be the most excited of all. With the promotion of your own child to one of the most important positions of a top 25 all time football program, you have really laid yourself to bare. Not only does the future of your son, but indeed your own future and the future of your legacy now ride on perceived success (i.e. conference championships). As with most things failure is the most likely result. The critics are in the driver seat for this one. Out of 128 FBS offensive coordinators only 5 of them can win a confrence championship that really even means a damn. So you see the statistical odds are not in Brian's favor. The critics can kick back and watch. If all things unravel and go to hell, then the critics at least get to say "I told you so". They will also likely get their wish of an earlier exudous of the Ferentz family from Iowa athletics.

Last but not least are the skeptics. I personally imagine that this group houses the vast majority. The fan that can't help but remember the stink of the dog poo they have watched their team step in all awhile they shouted at the TV, LOOKOUT!. They will battle with memories of glory and pride weighted against memories of shock, dismay and embarrassment. They will remain hopeful for brighter days but they will not hold their breath. They won't fly too high for fear of falling and they won't dive to low because they kind of always knew the plane might crash. For these fans (like myself) the skeptic, the goal is always to get to the truth. The truth in this case is whether the program is truly stale or whether the right battle plan from the right general can lead to more victories on the battlefield. Well nothing serves as better witness then our own eyes. The truth will be illuminated in the next few years to come. At least with this new wrinkle skeptics far and wide will have a new internal debate in which to sink their teeth into. And for me, that is something.

So everyone, each and every Iowa Hawkeye fan. Join together. We all now have renewed skin in the game. Let's flock together and flying V this mother F to the National Championship...or not, either way I will still love my hawks.

P.S I have watched and read these boards since the creation of hawkeyenation. I have never posted so please excuse my novel as I will practice brevity in the future. Thanks
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Adam on Eve of Offensive Cordinator coaching change. (Sorry couldn't resist a little humor there.)

I think you did a great summation on a lot of the feelings and emotions of many of the posters here.

It's actually going to be interesting to watch how Brian changes things up (at least praying for change). If nothing changes and it's the same ole same stale football of two, two yard runs and a three yard pass and punt, then I am going to have to shut the TV off during the fall is over and KF family is no longer affiliated with Iowa football. A human can only take so much water boarding before they give in.

I will hope for the best and I actually expect an improvement. I suspect we will see the utilization of the tight end position much more than with Greg Davis.
Nice write. I DIG words. No shame using lots of them as long as their worth the meaning and contribute to the idea. It's a "you" problem for those that lose attention and can't keep up.

I'm a skeptic that derKirkFeravis forced into dissension who desparately wants to be a believer again. I'm rising above my natural inclination of cynicism to say, I sincerely hope BF can make a difference and convince his Pop that we don't HAVE to be "who we are" as much as we do. So, if BF does the following, he's on his way to being a demi- in my book ...

1) Promotes an offensive strategy that is NOT offensive. Know your personnel; attack the damn opponents weak spots; ride your strength and put it in position to succeed.
** That might mean different things, different weeks, depending on who you're playing! ** :eek:

2) Installs a legitimate passing game with the intent of completions beyond the line of scrimmage, and, hopefully, further downfield, THEN worry about yac.o_O

3) Realizes he doesn't HAVE TO run 6 of 10 plays to the short side of the field just because the defensive alignment is baiting him toward the sideline. It's actually ok to challenge** the defense in space once in a while.
(Now, if only he had a RB with some shiftiness who could make the D miss if he just had some room to work;))
** By challenge, I don't mean, run straight into a 9-man front on 3rd and 3 - That's just stupid pride and lazy mind work. I said, "CHALLENGE IN SPACE." Ya know ... minimal creativity? ... catch 'em off guard? ... run away from them so they have to work a bit to stop you?:cool:
So, The hawks have a new Offensive Coordinator. Brian Ferentz is the new most hated man. Some rejoice, while others ba humbug, and some are merely skeptical of the spectacle. The ushering in of the "Old Ferentz New Ferentz" Era should excite all comers. Let me tell you why.

First, possibly the least controversial of our illustrious fan base, the believers. These are the "Ferentz fans". We have all seen miraculous seasons. Great players, with great stories. We have seen development of NFL talent from the grassiest (yes not a real word) of roots. We have all watched as coach Ferentz has navigated the volatile waters of college football with class and poise. We have all bore witness to the rise of a legend donned in black and gold. Armed only with his faithful stick of chewing and a tattered and weathered miniature notebook. The believers have faith in their captain. No matter which way the wind blows they have faith that the captain will steer them to sunny shores. For the believers (there are more than a few) This new day brings the change and spark that you knew your captain would provide. Faith, as faith goes knows no boundaries. The future is once again bright and endless. The lands you will visit are unpredictable and full of wonder and amazement. Enjoy the ride.

Second are the "dissenters". The "critics" or "boo birds" as you will. It's always important to remember that these too are hawk fans in all. Each and everyone one no matter how small. These fans believe that the golden days are gone and past. They believe the future has already came and knocked and old coaches as old people do... simply did not hear the knocking at all. Some of the critics have grown so restless with 18 years of steady Eddie that they would put their deed down on 17 Red (roulette) just to feel some pang of excitement. This group of fans should be the most excited of all. With the promotion of your own child to one of the most important positions of a top 25 all time football program, you have really laid yourself to bare. Not only does the future of your son, but indeed your own future and the future of your legacy now ride on perceived success (i.e. conference championships). As with most things failure is the most likely result. The critics are in the driver seat for this one. Out of 128 FBS offensive coordinators only 5 of them can win a confrence championship that really even means a damn. So you see the statistical odds are not in Brian's favor. The critics can kick back and watch. If all things unravel and go to hell, then the critics at least get to say "I told you so". They will also likely get their wish of an earlier exudous of the Ferentz family from Iowa athletics.

Last but not least are the skeptics. I personally imagine that this group houses the vast majority. The fan that can't help but remember the stink of the dog poo they have watched their team step in all awhile they shouted at the TV, LOOKOUT!. They will battle with memories of glory and pride weighted against memories of shock, dismay and embarrassment. They will remain hopeful for brighter days but they will not hold their breath. They won't fly too high for fear of falling and they won't dive to low because they kind of always knew the plane might crash. For these fans (like myself) the skeptic, the goal is always to get to the truth. The truth in this case is whether the program is truly stale or whether the right battle plan from the right general can lead to more victories on the battlefield. Well nothing serves as better witness then our own eyes. The truth will be illuminated in the next few years to come. At least with this new wrinkle skeptics far and wide will have a new internal debate in which to sink their teeth into. And for me, that is something.

So everyone, each and every Iowa Hawkeye fan. Join together. We all now have renewed skin in the game. Let's flock together and flying V this mother F to the National Championship...or not, either way I will still love my hawks.

P.S I have watched and read these boards since the creation of hawkeyenation. I have never posted so please excuse my novel as I will practice brevity in the future. Thanks

Damn solid first post.
I just hope our offense gets into the double digits in rankings.

I have said on this topic that if BF can improve passing by 30-50% and everything else remains the same in running game then that will be a big improvement.

If the hawks avgd let's say 180 yards per game passing last year and can avg 250 per game in 2017 with a similar run game I think that can mean 10 more pts per game.

If the hawk defense remains really good especially in scoring defense then that 10 extra points per game on offense can be huge. In 2016 10 more points in the right games gives the hawks an 11-1 record, wow think of it 11-1 after 12-0.
If all else is equal....With even an avg passing game, hell, well below avg passing game (say 75-80th rank), and decent playcalling/rout scheme, we very likely beat NDSU and NW, and a good shot at Wisc....and we would have been playing Black Friday to win the B1G West, even if you trade those wins for a loss to Mich.

I completely disagree with Adam. "Grassiest" is a word.

Substantively, I put myself more in the category of believer (I want to believe and believe that if I don't believe, bad things will come to the Hawks, so maybe I'm more of a believer in the Hawkeyes than the coach because my belief goes back farther than the past 18 years), but I also reserve the right to be mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I was there with Greg Davis, and my faith was restored when he "retired". I believe that Brian (not "Brain", come on, guys, you can do better than that) will be a good coordinator, but also acknowledge that he needs to prove it, so I'm not blind in my faith. He professed he wants to win Big Ten Championships (and with that, although not said, comes the better than average opportunity to be in the CFP), so I'm on board and ready to watch/cheer/groan/cheer/bitch/cheer/mope/cheer.
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I completely disagree with Adam. "Grassiest" is a word.

Substantively, I put myself more in the category of believer (I want to believe and believe that if I don't believe, bad things will come to the Hawks, so maybe I'm more of a believer in the Hawkeyes than the coach because my belief goes back farther than the past 18 years), but I also reserve the right to be mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I was there with Greg Davis, and my faith was restored when he "retired". I believe that Brian (not "Brain", come on, guys, you can do better than that) will be a good coordinator, but also acknowledge that he needs to prove it, so I'm not blind in my faith. He professed he wants to win Big Ten Championships (and with that, although not said, comes the better than average opportunity to be in the CFP), so I'm on board and ready to watch/cheer/groan/cheer/bitch/cheer/mope/cheer.

You are correct sir. "Grassiest" does appear to be a real word. Just didn't seem right at the time. Been a long time since English class. I thought it was one of my patented word smashes. Lol
Thanks to everyone for the positivity. I was tentative about how I would be received, but everyone has been great.
I would call myself a believer because I am a Hawkeye fan no matter what. I get attached to the players and am very emotional when they graduate. Then I get attached to the new players and so on. The. stability and strength of this program is important to me and with very few exceptions over the past 18 years I can say I have been proud of the players and coaches.

Kirk Ferentz is a good coach and a good person. He is a great ambassador for the University of Iowa and I believe his son will be also. Brian has the experience needed to be an offensive coordinator and I am optimistic about the future of the offense. Yes, I wear rose-colored glasses.:)

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