Six days


Well-Known Member
After today, there are only six days of recruiting available to McCaffery and his staff.

April 12 - 15 Dead Period
April 16 - 21 Contact Period
April 22 - May 19 Quiet Period

During a "Quiet Period" in-person recruiting activity is limited to contact on campus.

The signing period starts on Wednesday and runs through May 19.

If McCaffery is going to sign anyone this spring, he has his work cut out for him!

Has anyone heard anything about possible recruits?
There is a staff of two. I quess Caff could sit in the office this week interveiwing potential new assistants OR OUT ON THE ROAD RECRUITING with his #1 assistant.
I think both should hit the ground running, ie Fran talks with lets say Kurt Alexander first, then moves to a different recruit and Andrew does a follow up with Kurt then moves to the next recruit Fran talks to. Maybe that strategy doesnt work idk just a thought.

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