Site Redesign Coming Soon..please read

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Thanks for taking a few seconds to read this.

Within the next month or so, I am going to be working on a site redesign. During this time, the layout of the message boards with regards to ads and white space will not be ideal. There should not be any change in function as no ad slots are being added.

But right now, the site sort of looks like hand me down blue jeans, a bit of a patch work.

The reason for that is over the course of the 15 months this new version of HN has been live, I have learned a great, great deal..especially since August.

This site is 100% funded out of my bank account, and that is way I want for it to be. Everything is free to you, and I have had to seek out third party advertising relationships as well as having a sales person working on selling local advertising to support it. We have accomplished that and many thanks to each of you that visits the site.

August was the month where a lot of ideas and opportunities came together, and since then, I have added a few ad slots...some of these are in spaces and slots that do not mesh well with the rest of the site, but the content and message boards are still here, so the things people use the site for are still available even though the aesthetics need work.

So please bear with us as we create a new design so these advertising slots are blended in with everything else to create a more pleasing look and feel. I appreciate you for understanding this, and for you visiting this website.

Look for the video player ad to be moved above the fold, and I realize there will be white space there..that will be addressed in the redesign. I also realize that some of the ads we have may slow down the optimal speed for the site. I have seen some people complaining about this. I can appreciate that, but this site would not exist without the advertisements we have to support it. If they go away, the site goes away, and then lighting fast loading times are really a moot point. I am on the site as much as anyone and have a DSL connection. 97.8% (exactly that) of the people that use this site do so with DSL connection speed or higher. The remaining 2.2% are on dial up. My apologies to those on dial up, but the vast majority access the site at speeds where a little longer load time because of the video elements might mean another one second.

That's your trade off for the site being free; roughly one second per page load. I believe that is a fair trade. If you have any questions or comments related to this or other site aspects, you can email me at the link below, or send me a PM.

Thanks again for all that visit the site and make it a part of their daily Hawkeye online experience.
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