Site performance 7/5

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the site loading is really off today...and overall, the speed at which the site is loading is nowhere near where it needs to be.

I am having some design folks analyze the processes and orders we are using, to see if we can't restructure the order in which the page loads, making ads come in last, and loading content, message boards, etc, first.

We'll keep swinging at this until we reach an acceptable level.
Tue probl today has been one of our ad companies has had trouble efficiently delivering the ads.

But in general I want to see if we can speed things up
I'm thinking of one solution you might try. It would take someone writing some java ******. What you might do is rotate the display ads in a dedicated frame or frames and delay the ad calls for a couple of seconds using javascript. I personally did not experience the problem because of my browser and a special add-on.
I have two different people working on this now. Have been at inlaws the past few days on their wifi..not sure if their connection is all that great, but it can't just be that as I have set up right next to their we'll keep plugging away at this.
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