Shonn Greene...

Is is it just me or is Shonn Greene's talent being wasted playing behind LT? I understand LT is a legend but I think Greene could be an all-pro somewhere else. I would love to see how well he would do if he was getting 25 carries a game.
I love SG but he has made some big mistakes (fumble, dropped passes, missed block) in some key situations. LT has out played him thus far.
I love SG but he has made some big mistakes (fumble, dropped passes, missed block) in some key situations.

Not to mention leaving early for the NFL, costing himself a Heisman and the Hawkeyenation a National Championship...
LT is having an awesome year. Greene's poor start opened up the door for LT. LT Saw the door swing open and he pounced on the opportunity, which is what old NFL greats do..
I love SG but he has made some big mistakes (fumble, dropped passes, missed block) in some key situations. LT has out played him thus far.

Hate to admit it, but that is the exact truth! If I remember right he cost the jets a game?
Gotta love him running with a legend though.... Albeit behind a legend, but you know LT is one hell of a good character to be around....
Definitely, he is gotta be learning a ton behind LT and should only make him better!!!!!
LT is having a resurgeant (sp?) year. Greene has had fumbling issues. That pretty much sums it up. Greene still has the potential to be great, no doubt. But learning from a legend like LT should make him a better player when his time comes.
I really wish they could smash and dash more consistently.... Greene's fumbling issues don't make sense to me.... Last year he was really starting to turn it up. Now he's a little leaner, and he almost looks like he's "trying" a little too hard..
As much as I love SG, he had his chance at being the feature back and couldn't hold on to it. LT earned it and it's his spot to lose now. Nothing against SG, thats just the way it is.
He wasn't the starter last year and still was able to shine in the playoffs. He still can play a big role for the Jets later in the season.
Yeah, I think they're doing two things:

1) Punishing him for the early fumbles and drops

2) Letting LT take most of the pounding now so Greene can be more of a factor in the last 6 or 7 games and into the playoffs.

Think how fresh he'll be compared to a lot of other No. 1 running backs. They know what they have in Greene and this situation just gave them a reason to let LT take most of the carries thus far. Also, like people said earlier, LT has taken advanatage of his opportunity and not looked back.

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