Security @ Wells Fargo Arena be ready....


Active Member
Could be a court storming coming. Iowa State may beat an unranked three loss in state rival on a NEUTRAL COURT!
Over ranked ya think??? They stormed the court on us because they knew they shouldn't have won that game. I guess their luck ran out tonight.
ISU picked a good time to lose......Kentucky, Duke and Purdue all crashed and burned today.
UNI fans didn't even storm the court. That should tell you everything you need to know about the Cyclones pathetic fan base. They have such an overinflated view of themselves it's hilarious.
UNI fans didn't even storm the court. That should tell you everything you need to know about the Cyclones pathetic fan base. They have such an overinflated view of themselves it's hilarious.

They honestly believe they're a bball powerhouse. They have absolutely zero tradition
UNI fans didn't even storm the court. That should tell you everything you need to know about the Cyclones pathetic fan base. They have such an overinflated view of themselves it's hilarious.

That court storm proved once and for all that the Iowa game always has been and always will be their #SuperBowl. I would be willing to bet that today 99% of that fan base will say the loss to UNI wasn't that least they beat Iowa.
I was at Wells Fargo for both games yesterday. I know this isn't a surprise to anyone, but good god Cyclone fans are whiny little *******. I have never heard a fan base consistently attack the officiating like they do. Basically if they are losing it's the refs fault... Has nothing to do with the other team deserving to win or playing well. By the end of their game I wanted to scream "shut the **** up!" to all of the Clone fans whining in our section.
Its a train of thought that goes all the way up the ladder from coaches to AD. They see that its ok for them to publicly call out refs so they think its ok for them. Its a school for clowns run by the biggest of clowns.
Our fans spazz out at refs when we play top teams. It's part of having an inferiority complex
Watched the game @ SingleSpeed in CF last night, great game, suck it ISU.....I will be soooooo glad when G Niang leaves, cannot stand that guy....I actually love to hear ISU fans cry foul that's all they have to look forward to west of I35.....losers...
The clowns start threads about the uni vs. clowns game and it always turns into an Iowa discussion in the end. Now there more worried about the Iowa fans not cheering enough for the Hawks and their glad that they are clown fans because they cheer for their team. Now I do agree the Iowa basketball team lacks the rowdy fan base that the football team has but I don't get why that would even be a topic on the uni vs. clown thread. What a bunch of insecure delusional CLOWNS! Little brother syndrome for sure.
Over ranked ya think??? They stormed the court on us because they knew they shouldn't have won that game. I guess their luck ran out tonight.

Trying to rally in the last five minutes of a game is not a game plan.... yet, that's what they've done time and again.
The clowns start threads about the uni vs. clowns game and it always turns into an Iowa discussion in the end. Now there more worried about the Iowa fans not cheering enough for the Hawks and their glad that they are clown fans because they cheer for their team. Now I do agree the Iowa basketball team lacks the rowdy fan base that the football team has but I don't get why that would even be a topic on the uni vs. clown thread. What a bunch of insecure delusional CLOWNS! Little brother syndrome for sure.

Somehow they've come to equate berating the officials with cheering for their team.

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