Search committee named


Well-Known Member
IOWA CITY, IA – The University of Iowa Athletics Department announced today the members of the committee that will assist Director of Athletics Gary Barta in the process of selecting the next head men's basketball coach at the University.

The five-member committee consists of:

Gary Barta, Director of Athletics
Fred Mims, Associate Athletics Director
Betsy Altmaier, Faculty Athletic Representative
Ellie Herman, Chair of the Presidential Committee on Athletics
Bobby Hansen, Former Basketball Student-Athlete

The five committee members will not publicly comment on the progress of the search until a decision is announced.

I think the search committee is in place solely to make sure things are on the up and up and no gray area is explored. A checks and balances and a way for everyone to cover their rears.

At the end of the day, will they all be interviewing the candidates? yes. But the decision is going to be Barta's and Barta's alone.
From what I have heard, Bob Hanson will be a very active member of the search committee, and I really hope he IS.
i'm glad bobby is on the team. hopefully he'll keep barta from doing something stupid. not that i think barta is stupid, we just can't afford to mess this up.
That's not a search committee that's the finalizing or oversight committee. That group isn't going to go out there and contact the coaches directly until we know they have interest due to the public availability of information once they contact them. (Sunshine).

Our search committee when we hired Lick was called Parker Executive Search. They made contact with the coaches "people" to see if there was interest. I'm not sure if we've given a retainer to any executive search firm yet this year but I'm sure one of you Freedom of Information Act fellas could find that information.
Good thing Bobby is on that committee; the rest might not know a BB from a volleyball. Political correctness rules again.
IOWA CITY, IA – The University of Iowa Athletics Department announced today the members of the committee that will assist Director of Athletics Gary Barta in the process of selecting the next head men's basketball coach at the University.

The five-member committee consists of:

Gary Barta, Director of Athletics
Fred Mims, Associate Athletics Director
Betsy Altmaier, Faculty Athletic Representative
Ellie Herman, Chair of the Presidential Committee on Athletics
Bobby Hansen, Former Basketball Student-Athlete

The five committee members will not publicly comment on the progress of the search until a decision is announced.


I guess this means that the search has not really started or we have not identified our main target yet?
You can't be on the committee if you might get the job?

Someone should have told Dick Cheney that when he was heading up W's search for a VP.
Relax guys, this committee is just the committee selection committee. It's there job to make sure we put together a qualified committee when the time comes to hire a coach.
IOWA CITY, IA – The University of Iowa Athletics Department announced today the members of the committee that will assist Director of Athletics Gary Barta in the process of selecting the next head men's basketball coach at the University.

The five-member committee consists of:

Gary Barta, Director of Athletics
Fred Mims, Associate Athletics Director
Betsy Altmaier, Faculty Athletic Representative
Ellie Herman, Chair of the Presidential Committee on Athletics
Bobby Hansen, Former Basketball Student-Athlete

The five committee members will not publicly comment on the progress of the search until a decision is announced.


And what the HECK do Betsy Altmaier and Ellie Herman know about hiring a marketable BBall head MAN?!

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