Schwartz Sunday Notes: When Coaches and Reporters Square Off

The most interesting part of that article is that the NCAA is using a prison labor/13th amendment ruling in defense of why it shouldn't have to pay it's athletes. Wow.
You know...the more I think about it...that line about "body of work" kind of pisses me off. Granted, I know a coach should be judged on his tenure...but I'm of the mind that Fran's tenure over the past 7-8 years, and specifically the past few years, is in the "borderline" category and our expectations should really be higher.

So, using Fran's "body of work" comment...if Iowa doesn't compete for a B10 title, or the top half of the conference, or has a 500 season next year...should his body of work warrant his dismissal? Unfortunately, I say yes. I want him to succeed...and I love the way his team play offensively when they have it going. But his comment should paint him into a corner if he has another subpar year.

The other thing that bothers me is how the coaching profession has been migrated into these ridiculous contracts. So, in my job, my pay relates to performance. I'm not getting the "body of work" argument. I'm always motivated...and I've been very successful because the alternative isn't an option for me.

So...hear me out. I think Iowa should set a precedent with the next football or basketball contract. You have your salary...which is typically going to be decent ($1.5 million - $2 million) but the other half is based on performance period. If you want to make $4 million like KF does or whatever Fran have to perform. Now, people are going to say, "we won't be able to attract a great coach." I say 'bull#%*@. Maybe it's time we ask our AD to do some work and find the next Nick Saban in the FCS or in the FBS assistant ranks. Would he take $2 million with the opportunity to make $4 million by winning 9 or 10 games? You are damn right he would. If he proves he can compete at the top of the conference for conference reward him with a better deal.

Especially with basketball...there are so many great coaches in the lower ranks who would jump at the chance to coach Iowa with the opportunity to make huge dollars, IF HE WERE SUCCESSFUL at the EXPECTATIONS WE HAVE FOR THE PROGRAM. Fran was one these people coming from he just comes off as ENTITLED. "My body of work stands and this question shouldn't even be brought up by anyone?" You are in LAST place Fran. Who do you think you are? Fran owes the reporter and Iowa Fans an apology for his remarks. Honestly, a last place coach saying that and behaving that beyond me.

These contracts are just flat out stupid.
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