

Well-Known Member
Alright I think it's official now....AIRBHG is angry with us and trying to make a point....who do we sacrifice to appease him?

But for real...the last year AIRBHG didn't strike was 08.....what happened that angered him? Greene leaving early?
We need a virgin.

Maybe AIRBHG will be OK with like a 2 year virgin? Anybody on a slump and want to take one for the team?

Shane, I am looking at you.

Greene's size and footwork was even too much for AIRBHG to bring down. But, was it AIRBHG that limited us to only one full year with Greene??? *gasp*
Angry Iowa Running Back Hating God

Hmmm. I always thought it was old Hawkeye fans happy with Arizona and Texas bowl games that they can take their travel trailers to.

Or just remove the running back from the original version I guess.
Hmmm. I always thought it was old Hawkeye fans happy with Arizona and Texas bowl games that they can take their travel trailers to.

Or just remove the running back from the original version I guess.

Golfer you didn't know who AIRBHG was, you better watch it...he will come for your golf game now. Bet you didn't know you could break an arm playing a round of golf....That's the way AIRBHG works.
I'm disappointed that no one has loaded up a certain youtube video of a certain song, of a certain name, that fits in well with the title of this thread...
At this point there is only one man that can fix this.


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