Rutgers will get in

Is that because the NY/NJ loves college football? Your post proves that you know nothing. Rutgers football...who cares?
I don't see Rutgers as some do.

Yes, New Jersey and New York present a huge TV market. But that doesn't mean much if the TVs aren't tuned to your channel.

Rutgers is an afterthought to most of the NY/NJ metro. Would their inclusion in the Big Ten suddently catapult college football to the front page (or the top of the Nielsen chart) in New York City? Believe me, if that market was a college football hotbed, someone would already be milking it.

In the "net", Rutgers doesn't offer than much more financially than a few other schools that would seem a better overall "fit".
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Word is that RU is in financial ruin. That they can't afford the buyout needed to ditch their current conference. But then again money doesn't ever seem to be an issue for the BigTen, does it?
Word is that RU is in financial ruin. That they can't afford the buyout needed to ditch their current conference. But then again money doesn't ever seem to be an issue for the BigTen, does it?

And somehow I can't get used to the idea of this:

You go to a road game...Hawks's a good time and you end up at a local pub after the game. All you see is a sea of gold chains, chicks with heavy makeup and they're all saying "Fuget a bout it! Just doesn't seem real "Big Ten".
I'd be surprised if Rutgers isn't in. I think they've been a lock the whole time. I personally don't care, but still.
I don't understand the Rutgers love.

They suck. They simply are not Big Ten material.

As hawkdrummer said, the area has a lot of tvs but nobody there gives a rat's *** about Rutgers.
quite a few PSU fans in NJ, but the BTN doesn't get to charge full price to the cable cos ... if BTN added RU and demanded full price, they might have to pay it with both the PSU and RU fans yelling ... even more so if ND comes too
I think ND plus Rutgers breaks thru in NYC/NJ areas. They have to be a package move. I doubt they will go with Rutgers and someone else like Mo. But between ND and Rutgers, you have the clout to pry open NY,NJ,Philly TV markets. The sheer numbers of TVs mean that even a small percentage of those TVs make it viable...and with ND,PSU,Rutgers,Mich,Neb,OSU..there are a ton of grads in NY/NJ, or just fans of national teams or local teams to make it happen.
I don't want Rutgers either but without them(and a couple others) I don't see any other path to making ND less stupid and finally doing the logical thing and joining. This ongoing project of trying to get ND better work or we could be stuck with some traditionally bad programs as a result without the reward of ND. It's almost as if the Big Ten makes ND relevant by still wanting them. I don't see anything else that makes them relevant anymore.
To me, Rutgers is a sleeping giant and I would love for the Big Ten to be the ones to awake them. Two drafts ago, 8 of the 32 NFL first round draft picks were from NJ. NJ has a huge population and I think the people of NJ have a lot of pride. If we bring big money and big crowds to their hood, I think they will respond in a BIG way....with the right support, Rutgers can become big time.
I hear you, but I hope Mizzou gets in, too. I have not been impressed with anything that Rutgers has to offer besides location. Mizzou's proximity to Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, the Dome in St. Louis, and the metro area of Kansas City bring a lot to the Big Ten. Mizzou has more of a Big Ten feel that Rutgers, IMO.
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I'll admit that I've never been to NJ, but I'm a big Cardinal fan and Mizzou does not feel like Big 10 country to me. A lot of broken down cars on the side of the road and lawn mower motors in the front yard...certainly a southern feel.:) Plus, and I know a lot of people find this appraoch "worn out", but Rutgers brings bigger reseach dollars.
If you've ever spent any time in the NY/NJ area, you would understand that Rutger's football doesn't mean squat to much of anyone there. In Northern NJ, they are Giants fans. In Southern NJ, they are Eagles fans.

No one gives a hoot about RU football.
Still don't understand this era do you? It's about market/tv sets, research dollars.... money. Rutgers provides both. It has less to do with how much success a program has had on the field.

I echo the other poster that Rutgers will be enhanced by membership in the Big Ten. Wait until Penn State, Ohio St and maybe Notre Dame travel into NY/NJ. It will be more relevant.
I still think Maryland makes more sense academically and athletically. You alos have a huge tv market in D.C. and Baltimore. NY is the cream of the crop at 6%, but Baltimore/D.C is no slouch at 3% market share (equivalent to adding Chicago market)
To me, Rutgers is a sleeping giant and I would love for the Big Ten to be the ones to awake them. Two drafts ago, 8 of the 32 NFL first round draft picks were from NJ. NJ has a huge population and I think the people of NJ have a lot of pride. If we bring big money and big crowds to their hood, I think they will respond in a BIG way....with the right support, Rutgers can become big time.

Still don't understand this era do you? It's about market/tv sets, research dollars.... money. Rutgers provides both. It has less to do with how much success a program has had on the field.

I echo the other poster that Rutgers will be enhanced by membership in the Big Ten. Wait until Penn State, Ohio St and maybe Notre Dame travel into NY/NJ. It will be more relevant.

+1 to both posts. Rutgers would be a good addition to the B10, and any financial difficulties the RU athletic program is having make it that much more likely that they would be interested in affiliating with the B10 and getting some of those BTN revenues. Penn State-Rutgers would quickly become a fierce neighborhood rivalry. Not a given that PSU would dominate.
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My point exactly.

In Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, the BTN can leverage the cable companies to add the BTN because the fan base is there that will demand it.

On the other hand, in both NY and NJ, there aren't enough people who are "fans" to cause the cable companies to carry the BTN. I can easily see the cable providers in NY/NJ saying "no" to the carriage fees and there simply won't be enough sqwaking from the fan base to force their hand. No one in NY/NJ cares much about RU football.

Still don't understand this era do you? It's about market/tv sets, research dollars.... money. Rutgers provides both. It has less to do with how much success a program has had on the field.

I echo the other poster that Rutgers will be enhanced by membership in the Big Ten. Wait until Penn State, Ohio St and maybe Notre Dame travel into NY/NJ. It will be more relevant.
The explantion is all about the number of houses/TVs in the proposed school's area, not necessarily how good they are in football. Rugers has four campuses throughout the state of NJ.

Secondly, IMHO, the Big10 wants to disrupt the Big East, especially in football, in hope to pry ND's basketball and minor sports loose from that conference.

And thirdly, they bring a large research reputation with them. They have a graduate chemical and biochemical engineering dept.....score!

Again, however, I think their big plus is they are in the Big East Conference.

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