Running Backs


Well-Known Member
ARob looked great yesterday and may win Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week, but we need to get Coker some carries. It wouldn't hurt to put the ball in Roger's hands a few times too. This running back situation makes me nervous.
Robinson doesn't turn the ball over. So in any close games, we won't see another back unless ARob is hurt. Coker should be improving greatly in practice now that he is likely receiving 2nd string caries. He needs to learn to run with his shoulders closer to the ground or that first hit from a linebacker is going to knock the ball out of his hands.

BTW, can Coker redshirt next year?
Not worried about the running backs at all; Robinson has proved that he can handle the load by himself. He had what 35 or so carries yesterday and he was still running strong in the 4th quarter?

I'm sold.
ARob looked great yesterday and may win Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week, but we need to get Coker some carries. It wouldn't hurt to put the ball in Roger's hands a few times too. This running back situation makes me nervous.

You know what would make me nervous? Freshman running backs carrying the ball against teams not named Ball State.
Totally understood, but there is a recent history of such dating back to last year when you had a RS freshman and a true freshman doing it.

Very true. Those two freshman were also forced into service by the injury of the returning starter. If Hampton doesn't get hurt last year, who knows if Robinson or Wegher get the time that they got?

Iowa has done well with a one-feature back set in the recent past; I can't imagine much will change in the next two weeks.
Very true. Those two freshman were also forced into service by the injury of the returning starter. If Hampton doesn't get hurt last year, who knows if Robinson or Wegher get the time that they got?

Iowa has done well with a one-feature back set in the recent past; I can't imagine much will change in the next two weeks.

Even Greene got a blow (hence Hampton's annointment as the heir after 2008) once in awhile. Greene averaged 23.6 carries per game his junior year. Adam is averaging 21.5. That's a number that is only going to go up at this rate. In the four games played without Jewel, Adam has averaged 26.25 carries per game. Listen, I love the way the guy plays, and he is very good. But that's too heavy of a workload.
Not worried about the running backs at all; Robinson has proved that he can handle the load by himself. He had what 35 or so carries yesterday and he was still running strong in the 4th quarter?

I'm sold.

Forgive me if this is obvious, but I think the point is that it seems we're basically "putting all our eggs in 1 basket" only giving ARob carries and not having someone else who's carried the rock ready to go in the event ARob needs a blow, or heaven forbid gets hurt. I think we're all more than happy w/ his performance, effort and heart. But everybody on this board talked about Denard Robinson not being able to take a B10 pounding wk in and wk out getting hit that many times, and if you don't think that can happy to ARob or any other B10 RB, you're being very shortsighted.
Look, I hate to be one of those "coach knows best guys" it's boring to say that and makes discussing the game worthless. But, since the coaches are our only reference point for seeing the other guys run the ball (aside from Ball State) I'm going to go ahead and trust them here. They've seen them run the ball in practice. And they know that they probably aren't ready to get much carries against a Big Ten team.

Just hope Adam doesn't get hurt.
Not concerned with Robinson's skill as I am with our depth. I think when the game is in hand, we should should give Coker or Rogers some carries, just to help build up their experience and provide some breaks for ARob.

However, our ability to do that will diminish significantly as we hit the big games like Wisky and MSU the next two weeks.

As for fears about Coker, Johnson or Rogers, and ball security, well, that's only something that can be remedied by more game experience.
Not concerned with Robinson's skill as I am with our depth. I think when the game is in hand, we should should give Coker or Rogers some carries, just to help build up their experience and provide some breaks for ARob.

However, our ability to do that will diminish significantly as we hit the big games like Wisky and MSU the next two weeks.

As for fears about Coker, Johnson or Rogers, and ball security, well, that's only something that can be remedied by more game experience.

Which is why I wanted to see Coker/Rogers get more time the past two games. Now we're hitting the meat of the schedule and still have just one back (essentially).

On a side note, Rogers looked very good at FB yesterday.
Not worried about the running backs at all; Robinson has proved that he can handle the load by himself. He had what 35 or so carries yesterday and he was still running strong in the 4th quarter?

I'm sold.

This kind of thinking is what lead to our two losses last year. Vandy didn't have any experience or 1st team reps when Rick went down.
Give me a break. Vandy didn't have any experience because the Hawks never had a safe lead last year. Name me one team that brings in their back up QB when there is not an injury to the starter or the game is out of reach.

As far as Coker is concerned, the coaches are working with him in practice and he will be ready if and or when his number gets called.
If you look at the game in the 4th quarter A-Rob was gassed. Completely spent and it showed with how he ran the ball. I'm not concerned with his durability at all, however at some point this season we are going to NEED the running game to grind out a 1st down or two in the 4th quarter to eat up the clock and perserve a win. We are NOT going to be capable of doing that if A-Rob is in the kind of shape late in the game he was on Saturday.

IMO we need to get another back at least one series in the 2nd half to keep him fresh. I think we would have done that when we went up 21 in the 4th had the D kept Michigan out of the endzone. Had we gotten the ball up 17 or 21 points there is little doubt in my mind we would have seen Coker.

Morse being banged also means Rodgers is unlikely to be seing time in the HB spot anytime soon, but I wouldn't mind seeing him get carries at FB in the 1TE, 2WR, 1FB personell group.

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