Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

Perault cut him off just like all other callers who disagree with him that was great!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go Rob! Somebody finally told that jerk off. Perault has been misrepresenting the press conference all day.
Matty Cakes was saying that Stanzi should have known what DJK was doing. Rob stated that Stanzi and DJK probably don't even hang out, different backgrounds and such. Matty Cakes kept on and then Rob went off. Accusing Matt of perpetuating rumors and sensationalism! It was EPIC!!!
Exactly he was itching since yesterday for this big story and when he didn't get it he's knit picking everything and pretending it's a bigger story then what we thought was coming.
I turned it on right as they cut him off, can anyone recap?

Rob had issues with wreckless tweets and comments from Perrault and after Perrault made the leap that "Stanzi had to have known what DJK was doing and should have stepped forward" Rob went ballistic and rightly so...I don't do twitter, so I don't know all of the comments, but Perrault has said things on the air, making long leaps he shouldn't and Rob took offense, then Perrault cut him off when he had nowhere else to go after being called a "shock jock"...
I turned it on right as they cut him off, can anyone recap?

I hope there is on podcast as I would like to know what was said. I don't listen to Matt and Miller much as I prefer national stuff, but I can see Matt getting on somebody's nerves. However, I want to make sure the Hawk Homer isn't coming out and people want to take Howe's side cuz he's a Hawk Guy

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