Rivals Recruiting Rankings


Just read on Hawkcentral that Rivals ranked the current Iowa recruiting class number 9 in the B1G and the conference as the number sixth ranked conference.

Wow! Either Fran is going to have to have signed one of the most underrated classes in recent history, or our optimism might soon be dashed with a big dose of reality.

I really think the odds to this class potentially being underrated will rest with White and Hubbard.
Here is the truth of the matter....It's a lot better talent than Lickliter was bringing in, but it's still below par with what other schools are bringing in. Have to start somewhere.
What needs to happen is for Iowa to become competitive enough where the real difference maker kids will believe that if they attend Iowa, it will be a big enough difference to make us instant contenders.

Kids want to win, they want to go to the tourney, they want Jim Nance talking about them. Until they believe there is a chance of that they'll stay away. But, if we can start flirting with 20 wins, the best kids will know they ar good enough to put us over the top.
If you liked the class before today, you should still like it. If you were pessimistic before today, you should still be pessimistic. The fact that Rivals added up the number of "stars" they gave to each player and compared it to the rest of the league has just about nothing to do with anything.
Just read on Hawkcentral that Rivals ranked the current Iowa recruiting class number 9 in the B1G and the conference as the number sixth ranked conference.

Wow! Either Fran is going to have to have signed one of the most underrated classes in recent history, or our optimism might soon be dashed with a big dose of reality.

I really think the odds to this class potentially being underrated will rest with White and Hubbard.

Mr. Optimistic at it again!! :D
If you liked the class before today, you should still like it. If you were pessimistic before today, you should still be pessimistic. The fact that Rivals added up the number of "stars" they gave to each player and compared it to the rest of the league has just about nothing to do with anything.
You Sir are exACTly right!!!
I am more interested to see where we rank in the conference come March than I am where our recruiting class ranks in June. Lots of teams with more prestigous recruiting classes watched Butler and VCU make it to the final 4 last year. We are entering year two of a complete rebuild and a get like Guerrero would have been huge for the program, but IMO, McCaffrey and staff did a respectable job without much recent success to sell.
It is just so hard to know. We get our information from pro-Iowa sources and we all want the team to do well, so I think it is easy to overrate recruiting classes. But then you see this type of rating and it is like a bucket of cold water being thrown in your face.

Is this class decidedly better than Lick's second class with Gatens, Tucker, Brommer, and Davis? Really, if you look at it, there are potential similarities.

However, I think it is undeniable that Fran's group is far more athletic.
Here is the truth of the matter....It's a lot better talent than Lickliter was bringing in, but it's still below par with what other schools are bringing in. Have to start somewhere.

Sorry, didn't catch this first time through. Great point. At least the kids McCaffrey is bringing in have other D1 offers vs. Lickliter's recruits that were coveted by Hawkeye Tech and directional Dakota schools.
Who gives a flying **** what Rivals thinks? It's what you do with the recruits after you get them, not what they've already done in high school.
Just ask Ferentz.
When you look at the middle group of Minnesota,Wisconsin,Nebraska and Iowa,they all have 4 3-star recruits coming in next year. I think you could toss a hat over them.
Michigan has one 4-star in Marble's ex-AAU teammate Brundridge and a couple of 3 star. I think it is more like tiers...with the top tier being OSU,Ill,IU and MSU. Then the middle tier of Michigan,Minny,Wis,Neb and Iowa....then the bottom tier of PSU,PU and NW....this does not change my opinion on this class for Iowa....simply moving to the middle tier is a good step for this staff.

Just hope that Ryan Bowen does not get the Nuggets assistant job that he just interviewed for...he is an asset.
Rivals is also probably prone to under rating JUCO Hubbard, who many of us believe may be the wildcard to our entire season. Rivals doesn't really do a good job with their JUCO page. Hubbard was an All American (Wasn't he?) who didn't appear in their top 150 JUCO players. If both of those statements are indeed true, then there is the obvious discrepency.

I think we also see a late get in Olaseni as exactly what we needed in terms of replacing Cole's size inside both defensively and on the glass. Whereas in terms of a talent he might not rank as highly although he fills a need and won't be counted on for scoring.
Here is the truth of the matter....It's a lot better talent than Lickliter was bringing in, but it's still below par with what other schools are bringing in. Have to start somewhere.

At least it's on par with what ISU is bringing in, minus the transfers of course. ISU is high on their transfers (as they probably should be), but the truth of the matter is that Iowa's frosh recruits and 1 Juco are just as highly rated as ISU's frosh recruits and 1 Juco. I'm sorry 17, I completely agree with what you are saying, but the arrogance of your peers over on CF has left me jaded. They seem to think ISU basketball is/has been significantly better than Iowa, and that's just not the case. They probably will be this season, but they haven't been the past 5 seasons, and Iowa has still made the NCAA tourney more recently than ISU.
Basabe and Cartwright came aboard with little fanfare last year as well. They turned out to be a rather pleasant surprise in the end. I think I will remain optimistic that Coach McCaffery knows what he is doing and can spot basketball talent.
At least it's on par with what ISU is bringing in, minus the transfers of course. ISU is high on their transfers (as they probably should be), but the truth of the matter is that Iowa's frosh recruits and 1 Juco are just as highly rated as ISU's frosh recruits and 1 Juco. I'm sorry 17, I completely agree with what you are saying, but the arrogance of your peers over on CF has left me jaded. They seem to think ISU basketball is/has been significantly better than Iowa, and that's just not the case. They probably will be this season, but they haven't been the past 5 seasons, and Iowa has still made the NCAA tourney more recently than ISU.

Take that even a bit further, and who has Fred signed coming out of HS that has produced yet? Ejim was ISU before Fred came in? Fran brought in Basabe, and we will see how well his Freshmen do this year with White, Oglesby, and Olesini. We will see how Fred does with Sledge.....Dayton coach doesn't move on, and Fred doesn't get Gibson at all....bit of luck there. So basically Fred has brought in 2 HS kids so far. This years class for him is absolutely KEY. If after 2 full years of recruiting he has Sledge, Gibson, and Naing to hang his hat on, it will be a FAIL. You can't bring in 3 HS kids and 7 transfers, that is not a ratio that will work over time.

Fran on the other hand will have Basabe, White, Oglesby, Olesini, Meyer and 2 others for sure. Add in the 2 JUCO, and that is a good ratio....7 HS kids to 2 JUCO kids works.

I'm sure this will get a response from ISU fan. If you could tell me how many more recruits Freddy is expected to bring in this year, and at what positions.
At least it's on par with what ISU is bringing in, minus the transfers of course. ISU is high on their transfers (as they probably should be), but the truth of the matter is that Iowa's frosh recruits and 1 Juco are just as highly rated as ISU's frosh recruits and 1 Juco. I'm sorry 17, I completely agree with what you are saying, but the arrogance of your peers over on CF has left me jaded. They seem to think ISU basketball is/has been significantly better than Iowa, and that's just not the case. They probably will be this season, but they haven't been the past 5 seasons, and Iowa has still made the NCAA tourney more recently than ISU.

Yeah I'm not debating between ISU and Iowa on this one. The OP mentioned where the Hawks where ranked according to rivals. I simply stated the truth, which I think you are saying you agree with. It's not where it needs to be, but it is much better than the talent that was brought in by Lickliter. It's a nice start.
What did our class last year rank within the conference?

Just asking. Thanks in advance.
Take that even a bit further, and who has Fred signed coming out of HS that has produced yet? Ejim was ISU before Fred came in? Fran brought in Basabe, and we will see how well his Freshmen do this year with White, Oglesby, and Olesini. We will see how Fred does with Sledge.....Dayton coach doesn't move on, and Fred doesn't get Gibson at all....bit of luck there. So basically Fred has brought in 2 HS kids so far. This years class for him is absolutely KEY. If after 2 full years of recruiting he has Sledge, Gibson, and Naing to hang his hat on, it will be a FAIL. You can't bring in 3 HS kids and 7 transfers, that is not a ratio that will work over time.

Fran on the other hand will have Basabe, White, Oglesby, Olesini, Meyer and 2 others for sure. Add in the 2 JUCO, and that is a good ratio....7 HS kids to 2 JUCO kids works.

I'm sure this will get a response from ISU fan. If you could tell me how many more recruits Freddy is expected to bring in this year, and at what positions.

Yep - You drew me (ISU fan) in... :)

Let me preface this by saying that I think Fran is doing a great job. You'd probably agree that Iowa basketball hasn't been very good recently. Fran is doing what he needs to do and will have you guys back in no time. I watched some Hawk bball last year and it appeared that you guys IMPROVED throughout the year. I remember thinking, "now that's a well coached team" after the Purdue game.

All that said, I still don't understand why you think what Hoiberg is doing is "FAIL" if our freshmen don't produce right away... You do realize that with the transfers playing our freshmen won't see the minutes that your guys will... so comparing "production" amongst freshmen is a moot point, right?

Fred RECRUITED those transfers you dismiss as irrelevant. Why does "production" from high school guys count but not from the transfers? It's not like Allen, White, Booker, Babb, Lucious, and Clyborn just decided to come to ISU on a whim. Hoiberg had to RECRUIT these guys to ISU... same as getting a freshman. We'll see how they play this fall.

Do you think that Fran would have turned ANY of those guys away had they wanted to wear the Black and Gold? I don't.

Fred did everything in his power to bring in talent and win ballgames as soon as possible because winning will give him a sales pitch to high school guys. He took four transfers his first year and two the next. My bet is that we won't see more than that going forward. Heck, I'm fine with banking a scholly every year till the spring so transfers can be brought in if they fit a need. No different than recruiting a Juco.

If given the option, would you trade rosters with ISU? Honest question, because it seems to be your argument that you wouldn't.

**Edit** I don't think Fred is going to bring anybody else in for this year. Just a gut feeling, but IF he did it would be a 4 or 5.
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