Returning Next Year ...


Well-Known Member
Based on who is on the roster right now (no transfers) Iowa will return:

Minutes - 73%

Points - 64%

Rebounds - 70%

Assists - 69%

The cupboard isn't exactly bare and roles and minutes will change next year and hopefully additional player development.

Add in Dickerson, Ellingson, and Uhl and possibly another immediate impact player (Atwood/Lee) Iowa could be a tourney team again.

Chemistry and player development is obviously needed but there is potential.
Not at all, I think Iowa will be better next season, especially if the B10 is down a little overall compared to the last couple of years. There's still a lot of talent here from a team that was ranked in the top 10 in late January.
I am thinking they will have better chemistry which helps with defense and offense as they will play more cohesively.
chemistry makes or breaks teams. I'm pretty excited about next season. No idea what the rest of the B1G returns, but I'm particularly interested in seeing the progress in Jok and Uthoff, plus the unknown of how the incoming class will perform is always exciting - do you find lightning in a bottle?

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