Remember the Movie White Water Summer....Kevin Bacon's Character reminds me of our coaching schemes


Well-Known Member
Vic (played by Kevin Bacon) is the camp guide watching Allen and several other kids on a nature/rafting trip.

- Allen (played by the actor Sean Astin) catches a bunch of fish in the water by making a decent water trap for the fish to swim into. He catches a bunch of fish. Vic scolds Allen about not catching the fish "the right way" and throws all of the fish he caught back into the water.

-Vic scolds Allen about carving his name into a tree. He gives some story about that is against the law of the land and he takes Allen's knife away.

-Vic does not let Allen and the other boys listen to a radio during the trip because he says, "We have given that all up haven't we?"

-Vic always starts the first fire by doing it the old fashion way. Then he uses matches for all proceeding fires.

-Vic let's Allen dangle from a rock when he is to scared to swing himself over to the other side.

-Allen is kind of a wussy kid, recruited by Vic. However, Allen beats Vic at chess.

-Vic teaches the boys the song
"You can't run, you can't hide, you can't run, you can't hide"

-Vic does leave the kids several times when he is upset with them or when he finally lost them when they did not agree with what he was doing. Vic tried to get physical with a couple of the boys and he got stoned for that and ended up with a fall from a cliff and a broken leg.

These are some of things I remember about the movie.

Anyway, other than the last point about leaving kids and trying to hurt them, when I was re-watching this movie, man I thought Vic was sure stuck in his ways like a certain football program I/we all follow.

Oh ya, one more thing, our West Title hopes just went down the white water rapids like in the movie.
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Oscar nominee.....I'm waiting for my close up Mr. Ferentz.....;)

It's like watching "Ground Hog Day"
Weirdest comparison of the night goes too.....

No doubt.....I am thinking what in the hell does 'Footloose' have to do with this. And I just realized it could be one of the other 8 gazillion movies he has been in.
Kevin bacon in this movie with Sean Astin.
Sean Astin in Rudy with Vince Vaughn.
Vince Vaughn in old school with Sean William Scott.
SWS in Dude where's my car with Ashton Kutcher.
Ashton Kutcher watches Kurt Ferentz in Kinnick on Saturdays.
Kevin bacon in this movie with Sean Astin.
Sean Astin in Rudy with Vince Vaughn.
Vince Vaughn in old school with Sean William Scott.
SWS in Dude where's my car with Ashton Kutcher.
Ashton Kutcher watches Kurt Ferentz in Kinnick on Saturdays.

post of the year.
Kevin bacon takes kids camping. Then he tries to kill Meryl Streep on a raft. But then he decides that dancing can save the town when Kurt Ferentz banned dancing and Twitter.

six degrees of separation i get it.....I am just not clever enough to take it a step further. i suck.:)
We can also take this a step further:

Greg Davis use to be Texas's Offensive coordinator, but now draws up horizontal plays at Iowa. Matthew McConanghey is a big Texas Longhorn Fan. Matthew McConaughey was in Failure to Launch with Sarah Jessica Parker. Sarah Jessica Parker was in Footloose with Kevin Bacon.

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