Remember that Stat about Wiscy never beating a 7 win iowa team?


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain where our 7th win will come from? With the way the D is playing Minnesota may be the only team left that we can beat. Every team we play can Put up a lot of points on our D.
Maybe we will get a second game against ISU in the Insight Bowl? Or maybe in the Dallas Football Classic against Southern Miss (the logo war?) or SMU (the battle of Hayden Fry?) I definitely think if we only win one more regular season game we will play a cupcake in a bowl game. It should be a beat down. Or, on virtue of our fanbase, we could get the Gator Bowl against the #6 SEC team. At this point, we could be playing Florida in the Let Down Bowl.
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Major over-reaction. Really? Iowa isn't going to win seven games?

Beer tears are really annoying on this site.
Come on people. The game I saw the Hawks clearly outplayed a very good team. Shot themselves in the foot several times, and IMO came up on the short end of quite a few calls. All of a sudden were a mediocre team incapable of beating anyone? Calm down a bit. That game was infuriating, but I'm confident that no punter will rush for more yards against the hawks this year, and the field goal unit will improve.
Come on people. The game I saw the Hawks clearly outplayed a very good team. Shot themselves in the foot several times, and IMO came up on the short end of quite a few calls. All of a sudden were a mediocre team incapable of beating anyone? Calm down a bit. That game was infuriating, but I'm confident that no punter will rush for more yards against the hawks this year, and the field goal unit will improve.

Does matter when NW, MSU, OSU and indianas offense al torch this average iowa defense.
I think we will see IU and NU torch our defense, but they will make a few mistakes and we will score a ton of points on offense, narrowly winning those two or maybe only losing one - I don't think we have gone unscathed against those teams since like 2003 or 2004.
I think the hawks split with MSU/OSU.........and the win rest......gun to my head I would say 9-3 Outback bowl vs.(Florida, Ole Miss, Ark, S.Car.) someone in that group. legit shot at a 10 win season.
This team has serious issues, and they've been there all season. It's getting to the point where it's not something that gets cleaned up, and it's just part of who this team is.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but this stat is incorrect. We lost to Wisconsin in 97 and 01 and went 7-5 both years. Another thing I would add to this would be the fact that Wisconsin won 24 games from 1894-1959, many of these years we only played a max. of 10 games meaning we would have to have a 70% win rate instead of a 58% win rate in todays 12 game + schedule.
Can someone explain where our 7th win will come from? With the way the D is playing Minnesota may be the only team left that we can beat. Every team we play can Put up a lot of points on our D.

Really!?! Did you watch the same game I did yesterday? How about the fact that Wisconsin has a great football team.

Our games against Michigan State / Ohio State will not be easy but they are AT HOME. Check the home record over the last 5 years or so.

I am ****** about the loss yesterday too but some of you are just freak'n unreal.
This team has serious issues, and they've been there all season. It's getting to the point where it's not something that gets cleaned up, and it's just part of who this team is.

There are quite a few teams that would take our "serious issues" and our record. Take a moment and look at the point total combined of our TWO losses 8 FREAKING POINTS....8.

Get a grip and don't pull out the KF is payed too much and blah, blah, blah.....You want Mack Brown's record in the B12, who just got beat by a team we stomped? How about the fact that he is in Texas, or that there are 8 zillion recruits just in Texas. Put things in perspective.

Wait, wait...Here are some more examples....

Urban Meyer

Brian Kelly

Layne Kiffin

Come on people.
There are quite a few teams that would take our "serious issues" and our record. Take a moment and look at the point total combined of our TWO losses 8 FREAKING POINTS....8.

Get a grip and don't pull out the KF is payed too much and blah, blah, blah.....You want Mack Brown's record in the B12, who just got beat by a team we stomped? How about the fact that he is in Texas, or that there are 8 zillion recruits just in Texas. Put things in perspective.

Wait, wait...Here are some more examples....

Urban Meyer

Brian Kelly

Layne Kiffin

Come on people.

I'm not calling for a new coach, don't put words in my mouth. But who have we played this year? Michigan is okay, Arizona is solid, and Wisconsin is good. We've been making these kinds of mistakes in every game this year, but only two teams have been good enough to parlay them into wins. But then again, we've only played two good teams to this point. We got fat on the Ball State's of the world. These issues (special teams) have not gone away, and it's getting to the point where we have to accept that it is what it is, and it won't get fixed until a bowl game, if not til next season. The clock management issues have been there forever, and THOSE certainly don't look to be getting fixed anytime soon.

Again, I want KF as our coach. But 7-5 is distinctly possible at this point, looking at the schedule. Not saying it WILL happen, but the possibility is staring us in the face right now.

P.S.- I believe that stat was that Wisky has never beaten an Iowa team that finished with MORE THAN 7 wins.
To everyone complaining about Iowa's defense. Do you guys realize how good Wisconsin's offensive line is? We will be fine.

Plus our offense is actually fairly good this year. Not great but good.

I mean come on. We lost by one point to what is now a top 10 team (and easily could have won if we make a play or two. How the eff do we go from that to now we won't win more than one more game. I mean, Indiana is really bad plus we are going to play everyone else close at worse (Iowa hasn't been blown out in a few years) There is a very good chance that we could pull out a win vs OSU, MSU or NW if the games are close and statistically the odds are they would.
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Seriously, does anyone here post with there brain or does everyone always post with their heart. For god sakes the games been over for a while.

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