Remember that Scene in ROCKY II


Well-Known Member
When Mickey handed Rocky the bucket of spit and said "Carry this because I liked ya better when ya was carrying spit" ? Well that is how I feel about this years team. Mickey said he had the talent to be a great fighter but he was training like a damn bum. This team has the talent to be BIG10 West champs again but they have been playing like bums. Desire is for crap. Excitement is non existent. Sense of Urgency??? And let's not even delve into the Management aspect. Iowa should be undefeated at this point but what should be is often not what is.
When Mickey handed Rocky the bucket of spit and said "Carry this because I liked ya better when ya was carrying spit" ? Well that is how I feel about this years team. Mickey said he had the talent to be a great fighter but he was training like a damn bum. This team has the talent to be BIG10 West champs again but they have been playing like bums. Desire is for crap. Excitement is non existent. Sense of Urgency??? And let's not even delve into the Management aspect. Iowa should be undefeated at this point but what should be is often not what is.

Losing to Wisky isn't the problem. It's getting a once-a-century gift schedule and peeing down our leg. The worst part? We all knew it was coming. Well, except for the one person who is paid to know these things: Gary Barta.
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Losing to Wisky isn't the problem. It's getting a once-a-century gift schedule like this one and peeing down our leg. The worst part? We all knew it was coming. Well, except for the one person who is paid to know these things: Gary Barta.

Bottom line is the loss to NDSU was bad, but worse was the way we lose. Worse is the way I see apathy and general un-interest from the players, and from the sidelines. We have looked a like a lifeless disinterested don't care to much to win team all season. It was nice to trounce Iowa State this year but really who cares when after last year and the expectations of this year.

They need to replace Greg Davis. The offense is so boringly predictable.
Bottom line is the loss to NDSU was bad, but worse was the way we lose. Worse is the way I see apathy and general un-interest from the players, and from the sidelines. We have looked a like a lifeless disinterested don't care to much to win team all season. It was nice to trounce Iowa State this year but really who cares when after last year and the expectations of this year.

They need to replace Greg Davis. The offense is so boringly predictable.

I used to say the same thing about Ken O'Keefe, but we didn't really improve offensively when he left. Ferents is most likely the problem and he's not going anywhere for a while. I think Kirk is a great coach when he really dedicates everything to the program, but it seems like he gets complacent. He was on the hot-seat going into last season and I think that motivated him, but as soon as he got that contract extension this year, we went to crap. He's a great football coach when he's at his best; but I just don't think he has the energy to deliver year in and year out.
A Kevin Bacon movie reference, now a Rocky reference.

Now might be a good chance for some of you to take a break from Hawkeye football and see a modern movie!