Reiff's value


Well-Known Member
Did you think Reiff increased his value or not? Personally I thought he was exposed on a few plays and I think the extra year would help him. I do not see him at Bulaga's level when he left early. Also, Bulaga had a great Orange Bowl to come off of.
Did you think Reiff increased his value or not? Personally I thought he was exposed on a few plays and I think the extra year would help him. I do not see him at Bulaga's level when he left early. Also, Bulaga had a great Orange Bowl to come off of.

Reiff played exceptionally well against arguably the best DE in college football. He got beat on one bull rush and even then me managed to stay between his man and the QB to give his guy a chance.

Both sacks his guy got credit for could have easily been avoided with better QB pocket presence and instinct.
Don't worry about Reiff going pro. HawkfaninTX told me a few weeks back that Reiff was coming back for his SR year.
Don't worry about Reiff going pro. HawkfaninTX told me a few weeks back that Reiff was coming back for his SR year.

I would be shocked if he stayed. Happy as hell but shocked. And probably not the best decision for his future.
The people who say reiff did not perform at a high level this season are only saying that because they want him back. Reiff played very well this season and will be a likely top 12 draft pick. Why should he come back?
I don't think there's any question leaving now is the best financial decision. The sooner he gets to the first FA contract the better. He's a 4th year guy who's learned as much at this level as he's going to. You learn by testing yourself, and he will get tested in the NFL.
I don't think there's any question leaving now is the best financial decision. The sooner he gets to the first FA contract the better. He's a 4th year guy who's learned as much at this level as he's going to. You learn by testing yourself, and he will get tested in the NFL.

agreed. in the new NFL, its about getting to that second contract. so the sooner the better. i have a feeling he'll test out at the combine like Bulaga and drop a bit in the draft, which will probably be a good thing for him just like it was for BB. end up on a good team and have the chance to learn the position.
Watched the game at a bar outside of lead sd. Bar was called lewies. Reiffs aunts (2-3) were there. As we walked in decked out in black and gold they started cheering. I think they'd been there a while haha. After some small talk I popped the question... Is he coming back or going for the money??? Two aunts looked at each other, smiled, and said I guess you'll just have to wait and see. I said fair enough.
So basically you chimed in only to speculate that Reiffs aunts are raging alcoholics.
Everybody gets "exposed" from time to time. Bulaga got beat every now and then, and he seems to be doing fine. I think RR will be just fine as well.
"raging alcoholic"...where do you come up with this crap? Calling a player's family alcoholics is pretty low.
He could improve as a player by staying another year, but he's a projected top-10 pick. He doesn't stand to gain much financially by staying. He's gone, and he should be.
agreed. in the new NFL, its about getting to that second contract. so the sooner the better. i have a feeling he'll test out at the combine like Bulaga and drop a bit in the draft, which will probably be a good thing for him just like it was for BB. end up on a good team and have the chance to learn the position.

I agree with this. BB dropped a little bit in the draft, but look how that worked out. He is the starting right tackle for the defending super bowl champions, and will probably get his second ring this season.
Nothing I've seen this season says to me he's affected his high first round grade. Most scouts I've talked to regard him quite highly. He's a guy who can be an early starter and has the potential to play LT in most systems. He's a very complete player for a junior and probably won't benefit much from another year in school.

At this point I'm assuming he'll go. If he asks the NFL Draft Advisory committee for a recommendation they'll likely tell him top 10. Lot of teams in the top 12 are going to need OT help and I'd be surprised if he fell past pick 12. Teams like Miami, KC and Buffalo are likely to draft an OT and all three with be in the area where Reiff is likely to come off the board.
Watched the game at a bar outside of lead sd. Bar was called lewies. Reiffs aunts (2-3) were there. As we walked in decked out in black and gold they started cheering. I think they'd been there a while haha. After some small talk I popped the question... Is he coming back or going for the money??? Two aunts looked at each other, smiled, and said I guess you'll just have to wait and see. I said fair enough.

Wow! Thanks for sharing!

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