Referees - Traveling


Well-Known Member
Its no surprise that the referees have called more travel violations through the first 2 games than usual.

Does anyone know if a decision was made in the off-season to put more emphasis on traveling calls?

We all know that kids these days sometimes get away with a walk here or there but I felt as if they were making some calls when no violation took place. I think both teams were called for multiple walks when nothing was there. I'm not so sure the ref on the side of the court opposite the benches doesn't know what a pivot foot is...then again neither do some of the players :D

I'm hoping the refs ease up as the season continues because it negatively impacts the flow of the game in my opinion.

Both the NCAA and ISHAA have made officiating traveling a point of emphasis this year. At the college level I'd imagine you will see it watched very closely, at least for the first half of the season.
The traveling call on Cartwright in the first game was absolutely awful. I rewound the game on the DVR and slow-moed it. His pivot foot never moved.
At least I'm not going crazy! I thought both teams had traveling calls go against them, that should have never been called. I don't know why you would want to do this, as it messes with the flow of the game, and makes it less enjoyable. Refs should fade to the background of a game...
At least I'm not going crazy! I thought both teams had traveling calls go against them, that should have never been called. I don't know why you would want to do this, as it messes with the flow of the game, and makes it less enjoyable. Refs should fade to the background of a game...

The problem is the fans perspective really doesn't matter. The only evaluations that matter come from the folks that want that rule more consistently enforced.
I don't recall many traveling calls in the Sparty-'Cocks game last night, which suggests talent on the floor could also be a factor.