Really...JVB is the reason we lost???


Well-Known Member
1) Red zone offensive play calling was terrible.
2) Two field goals missed that should have been made
3) 3rd and four in the red zone, and we call a slow developing double move and they corner blitz and cause a fumble. Should have seen it maybe, but I don't think he should have been throwing. Does anyone on this board believe if Coker is handed the ball on two consecutive plays we don't gain 4 yards? If there was ever a place to think two down territory, that was it...step on their throat with physical play. That's who KF wants to be right? Our offensive line was dominant...let them win the freaking game.
4) Only one way Minnesota wins that game...they have to onside kick. How are we not up there with our hands team? We get the ball back, we run it down their throat. Their defense was gassed. Kill did what he HAD to do.
5) 2:48 left and two timeouts?...why abandon the only need 45 yards for decent field goal try. In 1:48, you could run at least 4 consecutive running plays if you get up to the line quickly. That leaves a minute and two timeouts.
6) Why is Herman in the game at that point? He hasn't caught the ball well. From what I've seen, CJ has stepped up his game. He's ready and deserved the shot. Really, looking surprised coming out of your break and barely getting your hands up. Crazy.
7) We lost because we were outcoached in the red zone and at the end of the game.

Really, our QB, who was 16-24 with a TD and no interceptions was the issue. Get a grip people.
He's not THE reason we lost. However, he does poop his pants on the road and is terrible at recognizing the blitz.
For ****s sake we lost because we essentially had four turnover OS.offense and the D didn't make plays when they were needed most. This game wasn't lost in the booth or on the chalk board. It was lost on the field.
16-24 sounds good, but the constant unnecessary check downs and bad blitz reads tell a different story.
JVB was not the reason its not the players its simply bad coaching ferentz claps and chews his gum and thats about it does he get the guys up for games i mean we have lost both trophy games this year! GET THE GUYS UP!!!!! i really wish ferentz knew how to yell and rip someone a new one instead of just clap and say good job...when im watching the game i sit there and wonder how could you be that relaxed i would be screaming my head off the entire game watching this years hawkeyes! he needs to get into the game as well if players see him pumped up they will only follow did you see minnesotas sidelines when they started doing good and making plays they were all jumping up and down where is that on iowas sidelines i mean cmon it is football you get to smoke people what more could you want!? play like your ****** and you have something to prove and start winning some games especially on the road you have to get extra jacked! LETS TURN THIS BABY AROUND WIN OUT WIN THE BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME AND GO TO THE ROSE BOWL AND WIN 11 GAMES!!!! LETS GO BOYS I KNOW WERE BETTER THAN THIS!
I have no problem with JVB's play yesterday OVERALL. I read a quote though on Hawk Central that JVB said, and I paraphrase, 'No one had their best game' yesterday. Ummm...did he not get a good view of Coker's backside running down the field?
For ****s sake we lost because we essentially had four turnover OS.offense and the D didn't make plays when they were needed most. This game wasn't lost in the booth or on the chalk board. It was lost on the field.

I have agreed with a lot of what you have said after the loss, but you can't just say we lost because of red zone execution or turnovers.

Those things dont just happen someone had to have a hand in why they happened. Is is JVBs fault we lost no, but if you say turnovers and red zone are why we lost one of the turnovers and in the red zone was directly attributed to JVB not recognizing the blitz and getting blindsided. So that one was on him. He changed the play on multiple fake blitzes to 3 or 4 yard outs when we needed 6 or 7 yards to convert.

I don't think it was his fault by any means but to say he didn't have a hand in it would not be accurate.
OK, here's my theory:

The coaching staff decided this was the game Vandy was going to learn to be 'good' in the pro set offense. Not one shotgun formation was used.

While Coker did run for over 250 yards, Vandy also overthrew McNutt in the endzone in the 2nd quarter.
I have agreed with a lot of what you have said after the loss, but you can't just say we lost because of red zone execution or turnovers.

Those things dont just happen someone had to have a hand in why they happened. Is is JVBs fault we lost no, but if you say turnovers and red zone are why we lost one of the turnovers and in the red zone was directly attributed to JVB not recognizing the blitz and getting blindsided. So that one was on him. He changed the play on multiple fake blitzes to 3 or 4 yard outs when we needed 6 or 7 yards to convert.

I don't think it was his fault by any means but to say he didn't have a hand in it would not be accurate.

He had no hand in 2 missed field goals. He had no hand in Kirskey losing contain on 4th and goal and letting Gray get to the pylon.
16-24 sounds good, but the constant unnecessary check downs and bad blitz reads tell a different story.

I can agree that he checks down a bit to early, but I can almost guarantee you that this is something the coaches drill into the QBs.

Stanzi did it more and more every year to the point where it was almost all he would do his last year.

That being said, why are Jason White and Herman being used as receivers on our last play, seriously what is that? We never do that during the game and then when we need to complete a pass thats the time to try it?

Both of those passes to Herman and White should have been catches and the drive would have continued.
He had no hand in 2 missed field goals. He had no hand in Kirskey losing contain on 4th and goal and letting Gray get to the pylon.

I agree, but he had a hand in the things I mentioned. I am not blaming him for the loss just stating he had a hand in the loss just like many others but you seem to think he is totally blameless.
It was not JVB. Unfortunately, we lost because we didn't keep running the ball. They could NOT stop the run, we were ripping off huge runs, and a bad run was a pick-up of 4 or 5. We lost because we didn't keep doing it. We lost to a bad bad team that we were dominating with the run. Should not have lost. very very bad
He played OK. A lot of dropped balls. A Ben Roethlisberger pump fake every now and again would serve him well when keeping a D from jumping on tendencies, of course that requires some level of protection from our OL. Why is Ferentz's son's C job so safe?!?

I guess I just get irritated why we have WR's running 4 yard routes on 3rd and 6. The reception is great for the QB rating, but really really bad when you put our putrid D back on the field. I contrast that by watching Bernstine being 15 yards off the ball on a 3rd and 6 defensively...he always comes up and makes the tackle after the 8 yard reception!
Ok lets make it 3 threads. Look at how many times Mn has scored 22 or more points? Who were those teams they did that against? This loss, even thou the O left so many points out there, is not on the O.
Something that hasn't been mentioned in awhile is that KOK is the QB coach, and he appears to be terrible at it. Couple this along with KOK's ridiculous playcalling (3 minutes left and a RB with 250 yards and NOW is the time you choose to NOT run it at least once!?) and you have another disastrous season.
He had no hand in 2 missed field goals. He had no hand in Kirskey losing contain on 4th and goal and letting Gray get to the pylon.
I agree, but he had a hand in the things I mentioned. I am not blaming him for the loss just stating he had a hand in the loss just like many others but you seem to think he is totally blameless.

I never said he was blameless, but people are running around here saying he's a MAC qb. He played a pretty solid game.
very, this place is crazy. Look at JVB's numbers this year and compare them to the rest of the qbs in the nation...this year is not on JVB....please people

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