Here's what I'm not understanding. Now that the video is out was it not exactly as had been described to have had happened? I thought I read that he popped her a good one and she hit her head on the railing as she fell and it knocked her out cold. So having every one aware of that. Including the Ravens and Mr Goodell why is it all of a sudden now such a big deal and he needs to be cut and suspended indefinatly? Like seeing it makes it worse? Cause when I read what happened that's pretty much what I pictured in my head having happened. It wasn't a shocker to me. Did Rice lie to the team and commish about what he said he did when meeting with them? If he tried to put lipstick on that somehow while describing what happened then I get it. I hope that's not the case and if it is I hope Goodell says as much. Now I'm not saying the league is wrong to suspend him again or for longer however you want to look at it. It's what they shoulda done from the git go. To me it looks like it was just a knee jerk reaction to the media/social media fire storm it's stirred up. Not because of what he did. Because supposedly the league and team had already seen that video and or had it explained to them by Rice and his wife.