Ranking today if we beat UW, but lost to IU...


Well-Known Member
I submit we lost a game we should have won (Wisconsin) and won a game we should have lost (Indiana.) If that happens, what would we be ranked today?

My guess is we would have been ranked about 8th coming into the Indiana game and would have dropped about 9 spots to 17. Anyone else have any thoughts?
Isn't a lot of sports talk radio and guys talking about sports exactly what I am asking about in my thread?
yep, but this isnt sports talk radio and well Im not a guy... but the tone set in the last few weeks, id almost bet not a lot of people on this forum want to talk about IF we HAD beat Wisco or if we got beat yesterday.. I know I dont, and by reading the forum in the last few weeks I know quite a few others who wouldnt either. like I said no offense... thinking about past games and the "what if" factor urks me but I wont say anything else.. talk about it all you want :)
Ha, nice posts chick80...just ignore hypothetical threads that don't interest you, that's a thought.

Back to the OP...this is a great "hypothetical" question because I agree that the hawks should have beaten WI and should have lost to IND. It helped that some other teams lost yesterday as well, but I'm thinking they would have dropped to #18, from around #7/8. The pollsters like to drop teams like a rock after a bad loss. A close loss to WI is MUCH better than a bad road loss to IND. Hopefully this is a wake-up call for the team. I am not getting my hopes up for NW game though.
I know this doesnt matter now because we didnt beat Wisky and we did beat IU but if it was the other way around we maybe ranked lower but we would still control our own destiny to the rose bowl. so I would trade right now a wisky win for the ind win.
I'd agree a loss to a good Wisky team is better for the rankings than a loss to a bad Indy team, if we beat Wisky and lose to Indy then we'd drop to around 19 or 20 I guess by looking at Missouri's loss to TT.
Maybe its just me, but winning one we should have lost to Indiana makes the Wisconsin loss a little easier to stomach. We would not be ranked where we are at in the BCS polls had it been the other way around.
As said, we would be much lower, prob 17 or 18 behind top 2 loss teams likw OU or Arkansas.

A more irritating thought is where we would be had we not lost to Wisky? I would bet #5 or even #4 as we would be the most respected and top 1 loss team even above LSU and probably Boise.

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