Random thoughts about program (long)


Well-Known Member
Iowa football is on a slippery slope. We have underperformed for two seasons now (especially last season). There is cause for concern -- as fans and as an athletic program. We used to see Iowa teams get stronger as the season progresses. Instead, the opposite has taken place the past two seasons.

We lost to teams we should not have lost to. I did not expect us to beat Nebraska but I did expect us to put up more of a fight. The offense was hit and miss all season. Yes, the "stats" look okay but they don't tell the story of what took place on the field. Against good defenses (against average defenses, for that matter) we tripped and stumbled. We put points on the board against mediocre defenses.

We are too predictable. Way too predictable. Our defensive linemen are undersized. Our offense simply disappeared in big games (i.e. MSU, PSU, Nebraska). After watching Kirk stick by his guns in once again playing upperclassmen I am left scratching my head regarding the talent we may (or may not have) waiting in the wings.

This team has no fire. For the past few years if Iowa trailed heading into the fourth quarter I have had no confidence we could come back and win the game. When we do get a lead we don't know how to put a team away (i.e. the ISU's, Minnesota's, Indiana's, and Purdue's of the world). We get a lead. We sit on the lead. We get conservative ... Next thing you know, the opponent is right back in the game.

When I can sit back and predict (the majority of the time) what our next play will be then I strongly assume the coaching staff of the opponent knows what is coming. Yes, execution is behind everything ... But sometimes you need to try and catch your opponent off guard.

I have been an Iowa fan for 30+ years ... so have witnessed a lot of ups and downs in Iowa football. We aren't at the level we were in Hayden's last couple of seasons but we are showing a pattern that should raise some eyebrows. Kirk's loyalty to his staff and certain players I think hurts him -- on some levels.

No one can question if Kirk is an A+ individual and no one can question the good he has done for Iowa football. But to simply live in the past and "relive" the records and teams in the early 2000s is not going to "fix" the apparent problems that exist today. Something is not quite right in the program as of late. The coaches did not all of a sudden forget how to coach. But, I think they have not adjusted with the times. Maybe it's the talent? When you have a two-deep with more than one or two walkons in it you sort of scratch your head and wonder how that is possible. Yes, there are walkon success stories ... But is a walkon from Thor, Iowa better than (let's say) a third-team all stater out of Florida?

Having the same staff in place for 13 years has its positives and negatives. Positive in the fact you can sell that to kids ... that "hey, look, we are going to be here your entire college career." ... On the flipside, anyone who is in the same job for 13 years can become content and not realize they could or should be doing things differently. That maybe a fresh pair of eyes can come in and shake things up a bit. Thirteen years is a long time to remain the head coach with the same staff in tow. You get comfortable. Especially when you remain with the same group of people for that amount of time.

Think about your own job and if you were in it for 13 years with the exact same coworkers for each of those years. How creative would you be? How inspired would you be? If you were collecting a nice paycheck you might settle for how things are and not shake things up because you have a good situation going. I think that describes the Iowa coaching staff. It's good to have people move around. Bring in new people. Get new ideas.

I really hope Kirk does take a hard look at the program and where it is and where it is going. On paper, next year does not look any better. This year we were supposed to have a favorable schedule and a veteran offense with a lot of weapons and experience. Next year we lose some of that experience. And our defense ... we had seniors in the lineup but they never really came together as a unit. And next year the sledding is not going to be any easier because the also-rans of the conference are getting better.

I think Barta and Kirk will need to have a nice long talk at the conclusion of the season. Yes, Kinnick is still full every Saturday but that may change ... And the worse thing you can do is to ignore the problem(s) and assume everything will fix itself. And you can't live in the past ... Imagine telling your boss that hey "well, I have not performed very well the past couple of years but remember the hell of a year I had in 2004?" ... See how far that gets you :)
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An objective breakdown of the business model. Complete and unemotional. I'm sorry that now that others, who are "smarter", "true fans", or "objective" will now make fun of you.
Objective, thought out and true. I agree that you will now be called a "bandwagon fan."

Here I will do it for them; "BANDWAGON FAN".
3 years 7 or less wins, 3 years 8 or more wins...

Stop overreacting. It is what the KF era has been from the start.
Good post and you made a lot of good points there, thanks for sharing.

Nothing will change this off season, KF will say his same stuff he always does. Next year we are probably looking at 6-6 or 7-5 again. The thing that really has bothered me lately is that watching a hawks game is just downright boring. The miracle comeback vs Pitt was the most exciting game and that even included three quarters of ugly play. I'm not sure, I'm no expert, just a fan. Hopefully the players execute better next year??
Good post and you made a lot of good points there, thanks for sharing.

Nothing will change this off season, KF will say his same stuff he always does. Next year we are probably looking at 6-6 or 7-5 again. The thing that really has bothered me lately is that watching a hawks game is just downright boring. The miracle comeback vs Pitt was the most exciting game and that even included three quarters of ugly play. I'm not sure, I'm no expert, just a fan. Hopefully the players execute better next year??

Agree. It isn't even about Ws and Ls for me. I enjoyed watching the 1999 team scrap and surprise a few opponents with early scores, and the 2000 team battle and improve. Behind MSU, the game from last year I would most want to see again is Wisconsin (a loss). Fake punt was horrid, but a great and entertaining back and forth battle.

I'm tired of games like yesterday where there are barely any moments to cheer for. Getting overwhelmed by a superior D happens, but at least empty the playbook trying to score. No energy or enthusiasm until it was 20-0 with ~5 min. left. THAT's when our guys started slapping each others' backs. Weird.
Good post and you made a lot of good points there, thanks for sharing.

Nothing will change this off season, KF will say his same stuff he always does. Next year we are probably looking at 6-6 or 7-5 again. The thing that really has bothered me lately is that watching a hawks game is just downright boring. The miracle comeback vs Pitt was the most exciting game and that even included three quarters of ugly play. I'm not sure, I'm no expert, just a fan. Hopefully the players execute better next year??
Yeah, that one 18-mimute span was the ONLY time this year that ANY players played with intensity amd emotion, and it fed on itself, like it's supposed to. Ironically, that one span happened to be when there was little 'coaching' going on, as JVB was calling plays at line instead of coordinators.
3 years 7 or less wins, 3 years 8 or more wins...

Stop overreacting. It is what the KF era has been from the start.

CAAR - you gotta stop beating this drum, and generally I find you to be one of the smartest guys in the room.

Find me another program in the last 25 years that has followed that pattern.

He built up a program, lost it and built it back up again for a minute. Does he have a 2.0 rebuild in him? History would say that is a nearly impossible task to accomplish.
The defense wasn't stellar this year, obviously. But the Iowa defense played well enough to win against Nebraska. Few defenses can be on the field all day and still succeed. If the Iowa offense had done anything at all, the defense gave Iowa a chance to win. So does the defense have problems? Yes. Do they need fixing for next year? Absolutely. But here's the thing: WHERE was Iowa's no-huddle offense Friday?

We've been over this and over this and over this, but the truth is still the truth. Iowa has a QB who excels in the no-huddle. Iowa has a QB that struggles on the road and doesn't handle the blitz well. Iowa has a hard-working but undermanned defense, so why the blazes don't you come out against Nebraska in a no-huddle, be aggressive, try to get a lead and give the defense the edge of forcing Nebraska to play from behind?

It's totally ridiculous coaching to go into the no-huddle with five minutes left, trailing 20-0. What's the point. Why not just take a knee?

Iowa should have been 12-0 last season. Despite its weaknesses, given its schedule, Iowa should have been 10-2 this season. The difference is the poor game planning, poor game-day coaching and asinine playing not to lose.

Any Iowa team that goes out and plays hard and that is coached to try to win is good by me, no matter the final score. And I've been watching for decades now. But the last several years at least, Iowa fails to show up on too many occasions. The coaching is a BIGGER problem than the personnel.

Brady Hoke took a miserable 2010 Michigan team and went 10-2 with most of those same players in 2011. The only significant difference between last year and this in Ann Arbor was the coaching staff.

Somebody has to talk some sense into Coach Ferentz. Remind him it's called a game. Remind him the kids who play it are supposed to have fun. Remind him people spend thousands of dollars every season that they can't afford to be entertained and to enjoy a football team that represents them and their state. And though some may be tired of hearing it, $70,000 a WEEK ought to be buying a heck of a lot more than it has the last several years.

Bottom line: Ferentz needs to make the obvious changes reality demands, or Barta does.
Great post by the op, but I would add that this program plays DOWN to it's opponents level more than any program I have ever seen and man it's frustrating
Iowa football is on a slippery slope. We have underperformed for two seasons now (especially last season). There is cause for concern -- as fans and as an athletic program. We used to see Iowa teams get stronger as the season progresses. Instead, the opposite has taken place the past two seasons.

We lost to teams we should not have lost to. I did not expect us to beat Nebraska but I did expect us to put up more of a fight. The offense was hit and miss all season. Yes, the "stats" look okay but they don't tell the story of what took place on the field. Against good defenses (against average defenses, for that matter) we tripped and stumbled. We put points on the board against mediocre defenses.

We are too predictable. Way too predictable. Our defensive linemen are undersized. Our offense simply disappeared in big games (i.e. MSU, PSU, Nebraska). After watching Kirk stick by his guns in once again playing upperclassmen I am left scratching my head regarding the talent we may (or may not have) waiting in the wings.

This team has no fire. For the past few years if Iowa trailed heading into the fourth quarter I have had no confidence we could come back and win the game. When we do get a lead we don't know how to put a team away (i.e. the ISU's, Minnesota's, Indiana's, and Purdue's of the world). We get a lead. We sit on the lead. We get conservative ... Next thing you know, the opponent is right back in the game.

When I can sit back and predict (the majority of the time) what our next play will be then I am strongly assume the coaching staff of the opponent knows what is coming. Yes, execution is behind everything ... But sometimes you need to try and catch your opponent off guard.

I have been an Iowa fan for 30+ years ... so have witnessed a lot of ups and downs in Iowa football. We aren't at the level we were in Hayden's last couple of seasons but we are showing a pattern that should raise some eyebrows. Kirk's loyalty to his staff and certain players I think hurts him -- on some levels.

No one can question if Kirk is an A+ individual and no one can question the good he has done for Iowa football. But to simply live in the past and "relive" the records and teams in the early 2000s is not going to "fix" the apparent problems that exist today. Something is not quite right in the program as of late. The coaches did not all of a sudden forget how to coach. But, I think they have not adjusted with the times. Maybe it's the talent? When you a two-deep with more than one or two walkons in it you sort of scratch you head and wonder how that is possible. Yes, there are walkon success stories ... But is a walkon from Thor, Iowa better than (let's say) a third-team all stater out of Florida?

Having the same staff in place for 13 years has its positives and negatives. Positive in the fact you can sell that to kids ... that "hey, look, we are going to be here your entire college career." ... On the flipside, anyone who is in the same job for 13 years can become content and not realize they could or should be doing things differently. That maybe a fresh pair of eyes can come in and shake things up a bit. Thirteen years is a long time to remain the head coach with the same staff in tow. You get comfortable. Especially when you remain with the same group of people for that amount of time.

Think about your own job and if you were in it for 13 years with the exact same coworkers for each of those years. How creative would you be? How inspired would you be? If you were collecting a nice paycheck you might settle for how things are and not shake things up because you have a good situation going. I think that describes the Iowa coaching staff. It's good to have people move around. Bring in new people. Get new ideas.

I really hope Kirk does take a hard look at the program and where it is and where it is going. On paper, next year does not look any better. This year were supposed to have a favorable schedule and a veteran offense with a lot of weapons and experience. Next year we lose some of that experience. And our defense ... we had seniors in the lineup but they never really came together as a unit. And next year the sledding is not going to be any easier because the also-rans of the conference are getting better.

I think Barta and Kirk will need to have a nice long talk at the conclusion of the season. Yes, Kinnick is still full every Saturday but that may change ... And the worse thing you can do is to ignore the problem(s) and assume everything will fix itself. And you can't live in the past ... Imagine telling your boss that hey "well, I have not performed very well the past couple of years but remember the hell of a year I had in 2004?" ... See how far that gets you :)

are you related to newmexhawk?

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