R. Pitino Postgame

Thanks for the share. I actually thought to myself at the end of the game when he shook hands with Fran, he seemed very respectful and I couldn't read his lips but he said something in regards to our offensive capabilities.

He's earned my respect as a coach... Not many men are willing to just flat at call it as it is when u get ur butt kicked by a better team.
Thanks for the share. I actually thought to myself at the end of the game when he shook hands with Fran, he seemed very respectful and I couldn't read his lips but he said something in regards to our offensive capabilities.

He's earned my respect as a coach... Not many men are willing to just flat at call it as it is when u get ur butt kicked by a better team.

He came across like that to me as well. He could of gone overboard when Ellison got that T and over some of the calls we got our way. But instead he stayed calm and just took the game as it went.

I also think he is a pretty dang good coach. I didn't think Minny would be even close to as good as they are this year.
He came across like that to me as well. He could of gone overboard when Ellison got that T and over some of the calls we got our way. But instead he stayed calm and just took the game as it went.

I also think he is a pretty dang good coach. I didn't think Minny would be even close to as good as they are this year.

I agree about Minny. They are much better this year than I thought they would be.
you know what? My hat is off to this guy.

He didn't b1tch, he didn't even write it off as his guys letting it get away. He told it like it was -- our guys beat their guys this time.

Welcome to the conference, coach. I think we'll see some good minnesota teams in the coming years.
you know what? My hat is off to this guy.

He didn't b1tch, he didn't even write it off as his guys letting it get away. He told it like it was -- our guys beat their guys this time.

Welcome to the conference, coach. I think we'll see some good minnesota teams in the coming years.

Thats well and fine...but I look forward to handing him many more losses over the years too.
I agree that he handled it all well and was complimentary. He's no Bo Ryan...and that's meant as an enormous compliment.
I really like Pitano. I did before this game. He is very good with the players and has them playing very well, better than I thought they were. He is truly a Class Act, a good man who was very complimentary to Fran and the Hawks.....
Is he really his dad's son, or the first full human clone. Just like pops. He has a bright future. Should help keep the B1G strong.
Thanks for the share. I actually thought to myself at the end of the game when he shook hands with Fran, he seemed very respectful and I couldn't read his lips but he said something in regards to our offensive capabilities.

He's earned my respect as a coach... Not many men are willing to just flat at call it as it is when u get ur butt kicked by a better team.

Shocking to think with his youth he could be around another 40 years.
yeah l like him - throughout the game I thought he really remained calm and kept in control.

Seems like a very composed, smart coach.
yeah l like him - throughout the game I thought he really remained calm and kept in control.

Seems like a very composed, smart coach.
remember, fran does not remain calm or even in control always. Definitely smart, but not always composed. I love fran, our conference opponents will quickly learn to hate him if we keep winning.
He is the real deal. So much so, I am not sure how long he'll be around up there.

Love when people just realize there is no drop off. Think it is just hard to fathom until you experience it first hand.
Listening to Pitino's post game comments on the way home yesterday gave me a different view of the guy. I felt bad for busting his chops in that annoying thread as on TV he looks like a young punk that is in way over his head. But I came away impressed, I love it when a coach talks frankly and honestly without responding with "coach speak" with every answer. I know a veteran football coach that could use some lessons from him.
Listening to Pitino's post game comments on the way home yesterday gave me a different view of the guy. I felt bad for busting his chops in that annoying thread as on TV he looks like a young punk that is in way over his head. But I came away impressed, I love it when a coach talks frankly and honestly without responding with "coach speak" with every answer. I know a veteran football coach that could use some lessons from him.

Agree totally. I was really impressed with Pitino's answers and demeanor in that press conference. This is honestly the first time I've heard the guy speak. He sounds like he's been doing this for 20 years.

Minnesota is better than I expected them to be this year. They have some players and looked well coached to me.. Our guys were just better than theirs today. Gonna be a tough game when we meet them in the barn....
Too bad ole nudge got banned before seeing this thread. I'd love to hear what he has to say about this guy praising Fran's recruiting.

The Big Ten needs more coaches like Pitino Jr. That way everyone would score more and bi+ch about referees less. I hope he is successful.
I agree that he handled it all well and was complimentary. He's no Bo Ryan...and that's meant as an enormous compliment.

That ain't no joke. I don't know that Ryan has ever thought his team has lost or been beaten by a better team. It's always some lame-a$$ excuse other than he was flat out beat. I can't stand him at all.
It's easier to be gracious when you're team is kicking the *** of the other team. When the Gophers beat Iowa someday, I wonder if we'll be as kind to that young punk coach who rode his dad's coattails to a head coaching position at a major university. I'm just sayin.

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