Quinton Jefferson to Maryland

Well why wouldn't he want to go play for a guy who snuck out of town on his team and staff, aka "pulled a Chizik"...he's gotta be a great guy!
Shane we better create our own athletic apperal company and throw our name in the ring. We can call it Shac

I like the way you think, Mac! We'll get Shaquille O'Neal to do our first commercial, telling us we're spelling the name wrong and BAM! We're off and running and the Hawks will be in the mix!
I like the way you think, Mac! We'll get Shaquille O'Neal to do our first commercial, telling us we're spelling the name wrong and BAM! We're off and running and the Hawks will be in the mix!

Thats a little too expensive out the gate. How about we get Shaq Rowell from IWCC first?
Oh better yet, what if its pronounced Shock but spelled Shac? Kinda like it has a french accent.
Well...I'd have concerns that if it sounds french, people will associate our products with "giving up" easily...:(

Hey they we can say it sounds german. And you know they always make good stuff. I mean they did make the Sham Wow guy
