Questions on StubHub


Well-Known Member
I want to go to Carver a few times this year and need a few tickets. Not familiar with stub hub process.

I saw on stub hub that tickets for tonights Wis-Mich St game that tickets were going for $1.50 -2.00 for the game. Can people lower the price the closer it gets to game time? From reading some on the stub hub site it looks like you don't actually get the ticket but a downloaded version that you later print. Is there ever any problem with ticket acceptance at the arena?

Thanks for responses. Just want to go and support Fran and the boys.
I want to go to Carver a few times this year and need a few tickets. Not familiar with stub hub process.I saw on stub hub that tickets for tonights Wis-Mich St game that tickets were going for $1.50 -2.00 for the game. Can people lower the price the closer it gets to game time? From reading some on the stub hub site it looks like you don't actually get the ticket but a downloaded version that you later print. Is there ever any problem with ticket acceptance at the arena?Thanks for responses. Just want to go and support Fran and the boys.

Sellers can lower the price when they want. The seller now enters the ticket number into stub hub which is verified through the University of Iowa, so you will be good. Stub Hub also puts a guarantee on the tickets as well.
the printout will have a barcode on it that they'll scan on the way in the arena. anything you buy on stub hub is guaranteed to be legit.
I want to go to Carver a few times this year and need a few tickets. Not familiar with stub hub process.I saw on stub hub that tickets for tonights Wis-Mich St game that tickets were going for $1.50 -2.00 for the game. Can people lower the price the closer it gets to game time? From reading some on the stub hub site it looks like you don't actually get the ticket but a downloaded version that you later print. Is there ever any problem with ticket acceptance at the arena?Thanks for responses. Just want to go and support Fran and the boys.

I looked at purdue tickets on stubhub 2 hours before the game and the cheapest was $50. however I kept checking and a week before I bought 2 for $10 a piece for the same game. just check periodically. I use stubhub a lot and it is pretty convenient.
I want to go to Carver a few times this year and need a few tickets. Not familiar with stub hub process.I saw on stub hub that tickets for tonights Wis-Mich St game that tickets were going for $1.50 -2.00 for the game. Can people lower the price the closer it gets to game time? From reading some on the stub hub site it looks like you don't actually get the ticket but a downloaded version that you later print. Is there ever any problem with ticket acceptance at the arena?Thanks for responses. Just want to go and support Fran and the boys.
I looked at purdue tickets on stubhub 2 hours before the game and the cheapest was $50. however I kept checking and a week before I bought 2 for $10 a piece for the same game.
I dont understand this??
I bought tickets on stubhub a couple weeks before the game for $10 each. but 2 hours before the game I looked out of curiosity and the cheapest was $50. sorry I jacked up my input.

basically... keep checking prices until you find a good deal. have never seen tickets for a dollar though in carver.
I always print "tickets" on a heavier grade paper. same with airline tix. makes them easier to handle and keep track of "feel" in my pocket.
There are always tickets available outside of CHA if you want to avoid Stub Hub. Prices obviously vary based on demand and location of seats, but I have never had a problem picking up decent tickets for $10.00 each 20 minutes before tipoff.

I would like to know who all the peeps are that have the Jack Nicholson seats courtside and never come to games. Are those owned by the U for VIP's or do big $ boosters have them as season tickets? At least 2/3 have been empty for every game I have attended this year. If peeps don't want to come, raffle them off for charity or turn them over to a local radio station. I have contemplated sneaking down to "test" them out, but don't want to give the Weland Security guys the chance to test out their tazers.
There are always tickets available outside of CHA if you want to avoid Stub Hub. Prices obviously vary based on demand and location of seats, but I have never had a problem picking up decent tickets for $10.00 each 20 minutes before tipoff.

I would like to know who all the peeps are that have the Jack Nicholson seats courtside and never come to games. Are those owned by the U for VIP's or do big $ boosters have them as season tickets? At least 2/3 have been empty for every game I have attended this year. If peeps don't want to come, raffle them off for charity or turn them over to a local radio station. I have contemplated sneaking down to "test" them out, but don't want to give the Weland Security guys the chance to test out their tazers.

TwoStarStan was seen lurking at Carver last week. May not want to try it.
Just walk down to the courtside seats like you own the place, don't flinch. Once you start looking like you're getting away with something, the security will pounce. I've done it a few times

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