PTL tournament on Mediacom today at 3:00.....


Well-Known Member
If you have Mediacom, you can watch the semifinals of the PtL today. In DM it is on channel 22.....

I will be watching, not having a chance to get to IC this Summer.....

The Championship game will be on Mediacom at 8:00 Tuesday.....

This is a very good chance to see the new recruits and the improvement of the returning Hawks.....

Drat, this was supposed to be the highlight of the weekend for me......

All this News is on the Big Ten Network.....

Now they are talking about Romo.....
No mediacom in Atlanta, Georgia.......wailing, tears, knashing of teeth. If they end up steaming it on the Internet a link would be appreciated. Maybe I can run over and get a copy of it from the Meyer family. :D
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