Possibly biggest game of the year?


Well-Known Member
Illinois on Sunday? Win puts us 16-6 with 9 games left. We would have another quad 1 win and position ourselves for tourney play.....lose and now we are on the road 3 of the next 4.

Go Hawks
Illinois on Sunday? Win puts us 16-6 with 9 games left. We would have another quad 1 win and position ourselves for tourney play.....lose and now we are on the road 3 of the next 4.

Go Hawks

Yeah it's important....and sold out, as well as the next game.
February does start tomorrow...

Fran has never had a team fade and miss the tournament. This team isn't set up well enough to start a fade now and still make it. Maybe they will pull off what they did during White's senior year. Go 2-2 over the next 4, then win the last 6. I would take that record in a heartbeat.
Fran has never had a team fade and miss the tournament. This team isn't set up well enough to start a fade now and still make it. Maybe they will pull off what they did during White's senior year. Go 2-2 over the next 4, then win the last 6. I would take that record in a heartbeat.

If I had to wager on it, I'd say 1-3 over the next 4 and 3-3 in the last 6 with the breakdown as expected. Lose to Illinois and win the rest of the home games with good wins over OSU, PSU, and Purdue at home. That puts us at 10-10 and probably a 9-11 seed depending on Big Ten Tournament results. Anything better is gravy. If we can hold serve at home and pick up an extra win on the road, then I'd be pretty happy with 12-8 and probably a 5-7 seed. I just don't see us winning @MSU and @ILL unless we really start to put things together though. It could happen, but we're going to have to start playing like we're the best team in the conference to get there.
I predict 6-4 down the stretch, by getting one away game (either MN or IN). Don't see us winning at Purdue (they destroyed MSU at home), nor at MSU or at IL. And, obviously, winning all our home games. If this plays out, we end up 12-8 and 21-10 plus whatever we get out of BTT, and thus we are dancing with a good seed.........doesn't leave much margin for error, but even if there is one additional loss, I believe we are still dancing with a relatively good seed. 10-10 and 19-12, that puts us on the 8-9 line with a potential date w/ a #1.....I don't care much for that scenario, been there too many times. And, even as highly touted as the conference is, I still think you would have to be .500 in conference play to get in.

Anyway, still hopeful. I didn't think we would get a W last night regardless as much as I wanted to see it happen..........
Whatever we can accomplish this year is just gonna be a prelude for next year. I’m just gonna enjoy the ride. There is a changing of the guard starting to emerge this year in the B1G, but it will be much more prevalent next year.
If I had to wager on it, I'd say 1-3 over the next 4 and 3-3 in the last 6 with the breakdown as expected. Lose to Illinois and win the rest of the home games with good wins over OSU, PSU, and Purdue at home. That puts us at 10-10 and probably a 9-11 seed depending on Big Ten Tournament results. Anything better is gravy. If we can hold serve at home and pick up an extra win on the road, then I'd be pretty happy with 12-8 and probably a 5-7 seed. I just don't see us winning @MSU and @ILL unless we really start to put things together though. It could happen, but we're going to have to start playing like we're the best team in the conference to get there.

Your opening is prolly the most realistic scenario ... 10-10 and 19-12. Win this Sunday and 11-9.

Either way, they have way too strong a resume to not make the NCAA. However, there’s going to be a big difference between today’s seed and end of March Seed:(

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