Please, IU is not Indy


Well-Known Member
Guys, not to get preachy, but I've seen it now quite a few times here after the game today. As an Iowa City ex pat that now lives in Indianapolis. IU is NOT referred to as Indy. Indy is Indianapolis. Only Indianapolis. Nobody I know, and I've lived here for 15 years now, has ever called Indiana University, Indy. Never.


Go Hawks.
uhh, im pretty sure they say Indy just as a short for Indiana? "shrug" and most of us dont live in Indy. just saying.
Nope, never heard that as an abbreviation referring to IU... I also do a fair amount of work at IU in Bloomington... Never have heard it. When Hoosiers refer to Indy, it's Indianapolis. Even, and maybe most ardently, in Bloomington. Not a big deal, but I just thought I'd help out because, well, it sounds bizarre to refer to IU as Indy...
I realize that, I am just saying that OTHER people outside of Indiana have. I live in Iowa, and I know many people refer to the state as INDY... Short for Indiana... Im sure probably in state they wouldn't.. But since we don't live there its not an issue or confusion. I was just saying people refer to Indiana as Indy, not specifically IU. But since IU is just Indiana, they say Indy.. I could be wrong... but thats how I look at it anyways.
If the people of Indiana don't like it, send them over here...we have a bunch of pi$$ed off posters that wouldn't mind venting on them about it...:p
Guys, not to get preachy, but I've seen it now quite a few times here after the game today. As an Iowa City ex pat that now lives in Indianapolis. IU is NOT referred to as Indy. Indy is Indianapolis. Only Indianapolis. Nobody I know, and I've lived here for 15 years now, has ever called Indiana University, Indy. Never.


Go Hawks.

I agree. I've never heard a Big Ten sportswriter or Big Ten fan refer to IU as Indy. Bob Knight didn't coach for Indy, and Steve Alford didn't play for Indy, either. Reggie Miller played for Indy, and Peyton Manning, Bob Sanders, Dallas Clark, and Pat Angerer play for Indy now. I saw Sparty win a Final Four in Indy, and Bucky was also in that Final Four, but IU was not. They race a famous car race in Indy, and the movie "Breaking Away" was filmed, at least in-part, at IU. The movie "Hoosiers" was not about IU, but the final game in that movie was played in Indy. Todd Lickliter coached in Indy, at the same university where they filmed the final game in the movie "Hoosiers," but I don't think Lickliter ever played or coached for IU. Larry Bird coached at Indy, and he was on the team briefly at IU, but he made his name at Indiana State, which is not in Indy, but Terre Haute. David Letteman was born in Indy, and he went to college in Muncie. According to wikipedia, Letterman wanted to attend IU, which of course, is Bloomington, not Indy. The first Big Ten football championship game will be played in Indy. The game is being held in Indy because there is a domed stadium in Indy. Notre Dame is in Indiana, and is known as the "Golden Dome," but Notre Dame has no domed stadium. There is no dome at IU or Purdue, either. Drew Brees' played collegiately in the state of Indiana for Purdue, and his team beat Indy last year in the Super Bowl. Tony Dungy coached in Indy, and he played against IU when he was in college. I agree, IU is not Indy.
Ever hear anyone in San Francisco call it "Frisco." You won't. Just the way it goes. Very few places have control of their outside nicknames.
Thank you, Troy. It's especially annoying to see IU referred to as Indy for those of us that live in Indy that know that there are two Universities right here in Indianapolis that get referred to as "Indy".

1. IUPUI- Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Campus, which has IU's Medical school, and some campuses of the Law and Business school. Their undergrad student body is sky rocketing, over 10,000 students and growing. Pretty darned good D1 basketball school as well.

2. University of Indianapolis. A very popular local college that has a very prestigious media school. Also a growing university that has very good D3 athletics. Everybody calls this school UIndy, but both of these schools get referred to as "Indy", which further complicates, but again, IU Bloomington? Never.

Also, this isn't a frowned on regional colloquialism, like the reference to "Frisco", or "Chitown", "Minny" and the like. In Indianapolis, we refer to our city as "Indy", and do it with comfort and pride. In fact, as Troy pointed out, there is a local industry built into that moniker.

Let's hope we get to use the term Indy on this board a lot in December 2011 in reference to where Iowa will be playing for the B10 title!
Guys, not to get preachy, but I've seen it now quite a few times here after the game today. As an Iowa City ex pat that now lives in Indianapolis. IU is NOT referred to as Indy. Indy is Indianapolis. Only Indianapolis. Nobody I know, and I've lived here for 15 years now, has ever called Indiana University, Indy. Never.

This a joke right? Who gives a rats @ss if some anonymous internet poster refers to it as "Indy".

It started with...

The Spelling Police...

But the terror didn't stop there...

Next came...

The Grammar Police...

And the horror STILL wasn't over...

Hawkeye Nation presents...

A HerkyDog production...

Written and Directed by M. Night Shyamalan...

The third installment of the Horrifying "Police" Trilogy...

All they ever wanted was to shorten a name...

But they didn't use "IU"...

"Dude! I told you not to call it 'Indy'! What the hell have you done???"..."I'm sorry bro! I just didn't want to keep typing 'Indiana' every fnckin' time!!!"...

Now they have just 24 hours to flush an ugly win and rally their fanbase...

And to stop an angry throng from another state on the other side of Illinois...

There's nowhere to run...

"We're fncked, man! They're EVERYWHERE! How freakin' big IS Indianapolis anyway???"

Nowhere to hide...

"How far til the Minny border?"..."AH SH!T!"..."Now we're going to have to head to Wisky!"..."Nebby?"...*GOD DAMMIT! STOP DOING THAT!"...


The Abbreviated University/State/City Name Police...

(This movie has not yet been rated and will probably head straight to DVD without even getting a sniff from Blu Ray, because come on, M. Night Shyamalan hasn't had a winner since "The Sixth Sense" and "Signs")
I'm from Independence, IA and will refer to it as Indee (or Indy if you will). I'm not from Indiana nor have I ever lived in Indiana, but I have visited a time or two (Indianapolis in fact). I have no idea how people that are from or live in the Hoosier State abbreviate their town/cities/state in writing. Oh, and you know what else? I don't really give a rats butt.
Again! People in San Francisco don't call it Frisco. But I do to get under their skin. Guess what? Bloomington is NOW Indy for life! Thanks for showing me the button I will keep pushing! BTW IUPUI? Seriously!
I've never heard anyone from Nebreska call themself Nebbie, I could care less if they like it or not. The fact they object to it makes me want to refer to them as Indy more.
Again! People in San Francisco don't call it Frisco. But I do to get under their skin. Guess what? Bloomington is NOW Indy for life! Thanks for showing me the button I will keep pushing! BTW IUPUI? Seriously!

I believe the school you are refering to likes to be called Indy-Perdie University
Again! People in San Francisco don't call it Frisco. But I do to get under their skin. Guess what? Bloomington is NOW Indy for life! Thanks for showing me the button I will keep pushing! BTW IUPUI? Seriously!

It isn't annoying. It's just confusing.

Have to agree with the OP's sentiments. While I, too, couldn't care less what the people of Bloomington think about incorrect abbreviations, there were times yesterday when I had to pause for a fraction of a second to realize that "Indy" referred to IU and not Indianapolis, as is commonly understood.
It started with...

The Spelling Police...

But the terror didn't stop there...

Next came...

The Grammar Police...

And the horror STILL wasn't over...

Hawkeye Nation presents...

A HerkyDog production...

Written and Directed by M. Night Shyamalan...

The third installment of the Horrifying "Police" Trilogy...

All they ever wanted was to shorten a name...

But they didn't use "IU"...

"Dude! I told you not to call it 'Indy'! What the hell have you done???"..."I'm sorry bro! I just didn't want to keep typing 'Indiana' every fnckin' time!!!"...

Now they have just 24 hours to flush an ugly win and rally their fanbase...

And to stop an angry throng from another state on the other side of Illinois...

There's nowhere to run...

"We're fncked, man! They're EVERYWHERE! How freakin' big IS Indianapolis anyway???"

Nowhere to hide...

"How far til the Minny border?"..."AH SH!T!"..."Now we're going to have to head to Wisky!"..."Nebby?"...*GOD DAMMIT! STOP DOING THAT!"...


The Abbreviated University/State/City Name Police...

(This movie has not yet been rated and will probably head straight to DVD without even getting a sniff from Blu Ray, because come on, M. Night Shyamalan hasn't had a winner since "The Sixth Sense" and "Signs")

I just ordered this off Netflix!
OP here. This is hilarious...

Guys, I'm an Iowan. I live in Indy... It's just confusing, and makes those of you referring to IU as Indy confusing, that's all. I even said please, just like my Mom taught me in IC all those years ago.

Have Iowans really changed all that much? It's not a big deal... at all. But this thread is provoking some really interesting societal responses that I find to be more entertaining than disseminating that crappy game yesterday.

Let's keep it rollin'...

BTW, there are a ton of Hawkeyes in Indiana, the Indianapolis chapter of the Iowa clubs was club of the year a few years back, and if you noticed, we were out in force in Bloomington yesterday (always fun to see 'ol #44 Dallas Clark, along with new #44 Morris). So say what you want, but we are proud Iowa Hawkeyes here in Indiana, despite some of the asinine and/or indifferent opinions rolling in on this thread. Just remember, Hawkeye nation is a NATIONAL thing, not a provincial anomaly.

Go Hawks.
OP here. This is hilarious...

Guys, I'm an Iowan. I live in Indy... It's just confusing, and makes those of you referring to IU as Indy confusing, that's all. I even said please, just like my Mom taught me in IC all those years ago.

Have Iowans really changed all that much? It's not a big deal... at all. But this thread is provoking some really interesting societal responses that I find to be more entertaining than disseminating that crappy game yesterday.

Let's keep it rollin'...

BTW, there are a ton of Hawkeyes in Indiana, the Indianapolis chapter of the Iowa clubs was club of the year a few years back, and if you noticed, we were out in force in Bloomington yesterday (always fun to see 'ol #44 Dallas Clark, along with new #44 Morris). So say what you want, but we are proud Iowa Hawkeyes here in Indiana, despite some of the asinine and/or indifferent opinions rolling in on this thread. Just remember, Hawkeye nation is a NATIONAL thing, not a provincial anomaly.

Go Hawks.

It's the internet. Don't read too much into it. ;)

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