Phil Steele's Bowl predictions...


Well-Known Member
Phil Steele

Of course this is way early on but he has us going to the Gator Bowl and playing the Cocks again. With as young as Iowa will be up front I think I would sign on for this right now.
Might as well give up now. No way we can keep up with SEC speed...
I know, right?

[ame=]2009 Outback Bowl - Iowa vs. South Carolina Highlights - YouTube[/ame]
I would welcome another bowl game against the Cocks. There was this fan, Wabcock i think, who was posting either here or on scout.
If Iowa can have as good as season as South Carolina would have disappointing season and play in Gator Bowl would be a very overachieving. Would be good to see.
Playing SC would be great just because it gives you an excuse to say Cocks on the message board and not get banned for using foul language.

Playing SC would be great just because it gives you an excuse to say Cocks on the message board and not get banned for using foul language.


Great point. Plus, you can say things that sound really dirty, but aren't, like "the Cocks will be hard to beat," or, "that **** penetrated through the protection."

Then, someone like HomerChampless will start talking about gay marriage. It's awesome. Obfuscate.
On the ESPN boards the USC fans were practically cordial for the most part. The GT fans on the other hand were some of the most conceited and arrogant gooberheads I've encountered online. It was my pleasure to get their goats before, during, and after the game. I've always liked the Georgia Bulldogs and like them even more after the Orange Bowl. They were posting on the game thread too and it was awesome having the Iowa and Georgia fans working together for the common cause of putting down the scared yellow Jackets.

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