
Is really hard after a loss like this....

So here go my thoughts...

1. We ARE a good team. Iowa team of 2004 get's throttled 47-14 or something similar in this game.

2. We ARE NOT an Ohio State/Alabama caliber team at this point in the year. Is the national title game dream up in smoke? Probably, but who even knows with that until all the games are played.

3. This team does not give up, and plays with a lot of courage in the face of great adversity.

We have seen a lot of things to give us hope. Ferentz teams get better as the season goes on, and I don't think this year will be any different.

So only time will tell if we can overcome this, and go on to a fantastic season, with a chance to win the Big Ten title on the line, and return to a BCS bowl [hopefully the Rose]

This loss was a real heartbreaker, especially because we were unbelievably able to tie it up at the end with a shot at winning it. Even after committing 3 special teams mistakes, any of which would nuke a team 99.9% of the time in a game like this.

So I think we are allright, we will go on to improve, and have a great season this year.
I agree. But we need to improve our pass coverage before that game against Penn State no doubt, and we need to all hope and pray that Hampton is going to be back soon. our rb situation is BAD. oh not to mention there's no one to block for those rb's. haha i guess what i'm saying is we have a lot to work on with the special teams, pass defense and run blocking, but we'll get there. I just hope this is a great week where we have some great practices and kick the crap out of Ball St. with no kick returns or punts blocked and hopefully (please God) we get jewel back.
Is really hard after a loss like this....

So here go my thoughts...

1. We ARE a good team. Iowa team of 2004 get's throttled 47-14 or something similar in this game.

2. We ARE NOT an Ohio State/Alabama caliber team at this point in the year. Is the national title game dream up in smoke? Probably, but who even knows with that until all the games are played.

3. This team does not give up, and plays with a lot of courage in the face of great adversity.

We have seen a lot of things to give us hope. Ferentz teams get better as the season goes on, and I don't think this year will be any different.

So only time will tell if we can overcome this, and go on to a fantastic season, with a chance to win the Big Ten title on the line, and return to a BCS bowl [hopefully the Rose]

This loss was a real heartbreaker, especially because we were unbelievably able to tie it up at the end with a shot at winning it. Even after committing 3 special teams mistakes, any of which would nuke a team 99.9% of the time in a game like this.

So I think we are allright, we will go on to improve, and have a great season this year.

Well said! Great post. I agree completely.

We all know that Ferentz teams start slow and eventually improve throughout the year.
Yes, RIGHT NOW the team is not where they need to be, but does anyone doubt that Captain Kirk won't right the ship by Big Ten time?
We will match up well with the remaining teams we play. A couple breaks here and there a we definitely have a chance to make to Rose Bowl... wouldn't it be really interesting to face Arizona in the Rose Bowl? Could happen.....makes me all tingly just thinking it!

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