Percy Harvin asks for trade


Well-Known Member
Minnesota Vikings GM Rick Spielman -- 'No interest' in trading Percy Harvin - ESPN

I hate when players complain about their contracts. It is a contract that you signed saying you were willing to play for X years for Y dollars. If they perform well like Harvin has they feel undervalued and need a raise to their worth. However, I have never seen a guy that underperforms volunteer to take a contract price reduction.

When you sign a contract that is it. Suck it up for the time you signed for no matter what. You already make hundreds fo thousands or millions of dollars so just honor you committment.

I know someone will say, they only have so much time to play and need to make the most while they can. Well too bad, you signed a contract honor it.
Minnesota Vikings GM Rick Spielman -- 'No interest' in trading Percy Harvin - ESPN

I hate when players complain about their contracts. It is a contract that you signed saying you were willing to play for X years for Y dollars. If they perform well like Harvin has they feel undervalued and need a raise to their worth. However, I have never seen a guy that underperforms volunteer to take a contract price reduction.

When you sign a contract that is it. Suck it up for the time you signed for no matter what. You already make hundreds fo thousands or millions of dollars so just honor you committment.

I know someone will say, they only have so much time to play and need to make the most while they can. Well too bad, you signed a contract honor it.

No but you've seen them cut.
Minnesota Vikings GM Rick Spielman -- 'No interest' in trading Percy Harvin - ESPN

I hate when players complain about their contracts. It is a contract that you signed saying you were willing to play for X years for Y dollars. If they perform well like Harvin has they feel undervalued and need a raise to their worth. However, I have never seen a guy that underperforms volunteer to take a contract price reduction.

When you sign a contract that is it. Suck it up for the time you signed for no matter what. You already make hundreds fo thousands or millions of dollars so just honor you committment.

I know someone will say, they only have so much time to play and need to make the most while they can. Well too bad, you signed a contract honor it.

I am not sticking up for players, as I agree they should honor their commitment. However in football, if they underperform they can be cut and the money is gone. They are not guaranteed contracts.
I thought most of them had some guaranteed money, usually. My mistake. This happens in so many other sports though. This is just a big example.
I thought most of them had some guaranteed money, usually. My mistake. This happens in so many other sports though. This is just a big example.

They do get some up front money. Thing is with their rookie contracts there's really no room for negotiation. You're basically just paid according to where you were drafted. Now when a guy signs his 2nd contract and get's 50 mil guaranteed up front, then gets ****** because he's only making 2 mil in his 4th year he can go pound sand. You negotiated a deal that structured the money up front.
Here is what I don't understand. Let's say a guy signs a contract that averages out to $500,000/yr for 4 years. He will make somewhere close to 2 million dollars.

A lot of these guys say they should be making more money and I don't understand the reasoning behind it. Even if they are cut after their contract is up... They made $2million... Most average people would be happy with a $100,000/yr salary (and yes, they can be fired just like NFL players can be cut). It would take the average person 20 years to make the same amount of money that NFL player made in 4.

So if the NFL player gets cut... they should still have plenty of money to live off of and most of them have a college degree that they didn't have to pay a dime for (which is a luxury the average person doesn't have) so the NFL player can then live like the average human being and find a job with their degree and still have a lot of money in the bank if they are smart.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding how it all works... but from the way I see it... These NFL players just seem stupid/ignorant to complain and demand huge contracts before their current contract is already up.

Not to mention they are getting paid to play a game that many people love playing because it is something they enjoy doing.
I heard he doesn't wave to Florida fans in Minnesota after they yell "hey Harvin Go GATORS!" at him after practice.
I think that players need to learn how to invest their money. Alot of sports agents/ lawyers etc. rob them blind, they just sign. They need to have an outside peroson evaluate the situation. Never have your legal, and accounting person be the same person, doesn't end up well.
i wish i had this problem ...then again most employers wud just let u go....sometimes wish these guys cud be middle class for a month and see the real world ....
ya which is where i agree with 27... most of us wud love the opportunity to have that money but invest it better and set up are families for life
What I don't understand is how this makes Harvin attractive to any other team. Harvin is just advertising that he is high maintenance AND under performing. sounds like a GREQT addition to any team.

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