Penn State going down!

That was like watching the Hawks win twice yesterday! As much as I despise Dantonio, he's better than that dipshit Franklin. Can't f'n stand that guy and his arrogance. That doesn't even take into account their disgusting fan base. On a side note was that Dantonio's famous faking injury strategy to stop the clock? Sure looked like a familiar play to the Iowa game a few years back. 2 guys down in a row. WR sits out one play and then comes back in to make the winning TD while looking as fresh as if it were the 1st quarter.
If he was any good I’d add Fleck to that list but we whip that gopher butt every year.
I was oddly surprised yesterday. I noticed that Frost continues to throw his guys under the bus, but PJ actually placed the blame on himself. I guess it may not be a surprise, but PJ is probably a better person than Frost. It almost makes up for a very small part of his antics.
Of the other coaches, I like Harbaugh and Chryst. The others, not so much. (Rutgers and Maryland excepted from this, just because).
I was oddly surprised yesterday. I noticed that Frost continues to throw his guys under the bus, but PJ actually placed the blame on himself. I guess it may not be a surprise, but PJ is probably a better person than Frost. It almost makes up for a very small part of his antics.
I noticed that too. When Amani Jones crushed a gopher and got the targeting penalty he sprinted out on the field to make sure his player was ok. That alone makes it hard not to like the guy, I just think he's in over his head and almost feel sorry for him (almost)