Paterno --- you can't handle the truth

After the indictment of the A.D. Curley and V.P. Finance Sgt. Schultz and the pending resignation of President Spagnier, how can anyone suggest that two the leading characters in this are being allowed to continue coaching. I believe Paterno and McQuery are more culpable that any of these guys for the following reasons.

1.) At the outset of the unfolding story, the witness was described as an unnamed graduate assistant as if he was incidental to the football program and Paterno diligently heard his complaint and kicked it upstairs. End of story --- incidental informant, unidentified assailant, unidentified victim. This might fly if the guy that has since come and gone from PSU and now resides far far away without any further involvement in PSU football or athletics. But the reality is that the unnamed GA was former football player, graduate assistant and current long time assistant coach McQuery. As a former PSU player, he knew exactly who Sandusky was and had a close relationship with Paterno. If you believe for a minute that this Saturday morning conversation with McQuery, his father and Paterno was a casual discussion where the perpetrator of this hideous crime remained unidentified, you have to be from another planet. One can assume that McQuery told Paterno who and what he saw.

2.) Over the next several years, Paterno and McQuery watched as Sandusky paraded dozens of young boys around to games, coaches meetings, game day sidelines, fund raisers and other official PSU activities. According to Paterno and McQuery, at no time after they reported the incident to their superiors did they bother to follow up to determine if anything had come of the investigation. Seems odd that McQuery or Paterno would simply walk away and think nothing further of the incident. It seems even more unbelievable that over the next several years watching Sandusky escort several young boys that they wouldn't act to further the investigation.

3.) Even though PSU was not in the B10 until recently, Sandusky was famously known across the US as the heir apparent to Paterno. Growing up reading the newspaper and magazine articles and listening to the national press and local sportscasters covering PSU football and games against Iowa, it was widely reported for many years that Sandusky was next in line. It was PSU legend and PSU promoted the idea that PSU was blessed with such an experienced and capable assistant coach. His glory days leading the defense of the national champions exaggerated this point in the media. Oddly coincidental that in 1998, when all of this seems to have started, Paterno would tell his trusted assistant and best friend that he was no longer considered to be the next head coach, Sandusky "retired" and Paterno allowed him emeritus status at the University with full and total access to the football program and facilitites. Even more amazing is that these rumors and allegations have been developing and growing more mainstream over the last couple of years and Paterno continued to allow Sandusky full access to the program.

4.) It's hard to believe that if McQuery had not known Sandusky was the assailant that this big young strapping macho football player wouldn't have 1.) gone into the shower and beat the living crap out of the unknown assailant or 2.) immediately called police to intervene or 3.) immediately contacted ANY one else in or around the facility or campus. To believe he was simply so distraught that he needed his father to help him break the news to Paterno the next day is simply not believable. If he didn't know it was Sandusky, why would he even bother to involve Paterno, wait a day to report and bring his father along with him. He would have no reason to bother Paterno and would have likely gone straight to the police.

5.) Paterno and McQuery would have you believe that for roughly 10 years now, nobody knew the assailant or the victims name and displayed no curiousity or desire to find out who it was or how their superiors had handled this event that left McQuery so distraught. For most people an event like this that bothered them so terribly would have left them desperate for answers or reconciliation. To believe that they simply diligently reported the incident and moved on to prepare for the next game and the next game FOR 10 YEARS is simply not believable. For McQuery and Paterno to watch Sandusky's behavior for the next ten years and never once connect the possibility is simply not believable.

6.)So today, the two closest to the incident would have you believe that it was not a memorable event despite the concern and distraught behavior of McQuery on Saturday morning and the report directly to Paterno rather than the police. It caused them no further concern once they had reported the incident to their superiors and McQuery's exposure to this event no longer haunted him. Watching Matt Millen's reaction to the story seems consistent with McQuery's behavior after witnessing the event and his need to include his father when reporting to Paterno on SAturday morning. Coincidence that McQuery is now a tenured coach under Paterno with no visible long term effects after witness to this devastating event?

Which brings us to today...the President, Athletic Director and Vice President who was in charge of finance, human resources, campus security and various other duties have all been arrested for perjury or resigned under duress. Seems unbelievable that following the report of this event, no one bothered to further question Paterno or McQuery about what was seen and reported. Seems curious that Paterno and McQuery never bothered to follow up on the incident to determine the outcome, if any of the further investigation.

Paterno resigned today and part of his statement struck me as an arrogant admission of his guilt. The same sort of attitude that Jack Nicholson displayed on the stand in the movie "A Few Good Men". Paterno essentially said --- the trustees should spend no time investigating me as they have more pressing issues to attend to. What I heard is Nicholson saying --- this is Guantanamo, I protect the USA, you can't handle the truth. Paterno may have well have said, this is PSU football, I protect my program and you can't handle the truth. He went on to say, go fire everyone else involved in this mess, just don't mess with me, I'll leave at the end of the season on my terms not yours.

He argued that he had a committment to the PSU football program and the roster of current players rather than a committment to the safety of at least 8 young boys who where brutally sodomized by his protected emeritus coach Sandusky. In my opinion PSU trustees have the obligation to the university, the alumni, the faculty, the taxpayers of Pennsylvania and most importantly the young boys and their families that endured these hideous crimes of sodomy, perversion and indecent behavior. I really don't care that Paterno has already been enshrined to every football coaching hall of fame. This failure as a human to protect Sandusky and his program is the biggest violation of institutional control in history. Every one of his wins since 1998 should be vacated and the entire program and university be penalized and placed on probation for the rest of Paterno's and McQuery's lifetime. To think that they should be pardoned because they diligently reported the incident is criminal. The students who protested and the people that have tried to defend these moral incompetents need to realize that its best to learn the entire truth before you cast your lot with the devil who happens to simply run your beloved football team.

I've watched PSU long before they joined the B10 and was excited when they joined the B10. I believe the B10 should immediately begin proceedings to remove them from the B10 to avoid any further embarrassment.

Final note --- as I finished this story, I learned on the local news that Paterno has been fired. Finally...someone at PSU did the right thing. Next up McQuery?

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