Over rated?


Active Member
Does anyone else think that Keenan Davis was a little bit overhyped. I dont think he should be the Kick Returner this yr. To me he needs to gain serious muscle before he can make an Impact. The Kick Returners should be wegher and DJK in my opinion. Please share your thoughts.
Man I don't know what you're saying. The jump from HS to D1 is a big one. K Davis is a very solid receiver. Don't know that he is an elite return guy but this guy is going to light up the REC stats in the coming years.......

I don't like our studs returning kicks because lots of guys get hurt by the kamikazees that are on kick cover teams. This year might Wegher and Chaney
Keenan played as a true freshman for Kirk Ferentz. Do you know how good you have to be in order for that to happen?!! Kirk does not play many true freshman especially when there were many upperclassman at a position. I, like many other Hawkeye fans, am actually very happy with his progress and if he isn't returning kick returns this year he will be doing it his Junior and Senior seasons after DJK and Chaney graduate.
Does everybody here jump to conclusions about players after just a few games played? In one corner you have the annointment of James vanderbeek er vanderburg and in the other you have this stuff. Does any body think AJ Derby is overrated based on his career with the hawks? I mean when is this guy gonna develop that throwing motion and start winning big 10 road games for the hawks? Might be time to revoke his schollie
Does anyone else think that Keenan Davis was a little bit overhyped. I dont think he should be the Kick Returner this yr. To me he needs to gain serious muscle before he can make an Impact. The Kick Returners should be wegher and DJK in my opinion. Please share your thoughts.

No he is not overhyped. He was a true freshman last season and it is far too early to even have this discussion...lets circle back to it in about 2 years.
I couldn't agree more. He totally sucked last year. Talk about unproductive! I mean, come on! One lousy touchdown against a terrible ISU team? How many catches total did he even have, like six, maybe? And not a single kick/punt return for a score? Ugh. Go back to high school, son. Maybe you can try out at Ellsworth or NIACC or something, AMIRITE???!!!

Oh-ver-rated! clap clap clapclapclap!
Oh-ver-rated! clap clap clapclapclap!
Oh-ver-rated! clap clap clapclapclap!
I wouldn't say he was necesarrily over-hyped, but the expectations placed on him, solely by fans like us, was too much, he played as much as i figured he would as a true frosh and even though the catches weren't there, the routes he ran in games and the reps he got in practice will pay off this year i think. as far as returning kicks or punts, again he was a frosh, i could see him being more confident now and that would help, but i agree that DJK and Wegher should be KR, Sandeman then Chaney as PR, and then have a few candidates to back them up, like which ever RB isn't starting, Jordan Cotton, maybe DB or 2
Bones thats a great post!

People who were expecting him to be an All Big Ten WR in his first year of college ball had their expectations a bit off.

BTW, to the OP, how much muscle do you think he should add considering he's 215 right now...

I stopped taking you seriously after that...

Stupid post, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if its a bit off.
Does anyone else think that Keenan Davis was a little bit overhyped.

first of all... there's a difference in the title of this post and the content. are you making an argument for overrated, overhyped or both?

overrated, nope- he will get his chance to shine. no way you can judge him on his existing body of work.

overhyped, maybe... but what do you expect, he's one of the higher rated receivers to commit to iowa lately and he's a "home grown" product.
He's not overrated. If he had played more last year, you could have said that about all the upperclassman he would have had to steal reps from. When you have DJK, Chaney, Stross, McNutt, and Sandeman who have all been in the program for years, what the hell did you expect.

Now, there is a major difference between a true freshman year and a sophomore year in regard to understanding the nuances of the position and being able to block when it's called for. The game is going to slow down for him this year and I expect he become the third receiver in behind DJK and McNutt. I honestly think he is going to have a great breakout year. Soup has gone out of his way to talk about how special Davis can be...I'll take his word for it.
Just think if we woldnt have had all of those legal issues we would be saying that about half of the receivers.
Honestly, I don't think there has been enough hype.
I think Davis should have his own Keenen for Heisman website and possibly his own network......In every frickin country. I think Oprah money to the power of more flippin Oprah money should be thrown around to hype the guy to sickningly embarrassing levels.
I think congress should vote to include Keenan's name on currency dedicate the "Keenan Davis future Football hall of Fame.' before the season starts in 5 weeks. It will take some doing but it's all merrited.
Oh and for what it's worth, this is probalby the first time I have read keenan's name in like 8 months,,,so yeah way overhyped.
Just think if we woldnt have had all of those legal issues we would be saying that about half of the receivers.

Can't say about Bowman, but Douglass/Cleveland would be a pretty deadly tandem if they hadn't gotten into trouble.

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