Outscore teams


Well-Known Member
That's Iowa's only chance. Unless Iowa is hot on O and can put up 80 plus (90 plus most of the time now) they just can't beat about any team with any sort of inside and out game. PGs that can penetrate and pass can have their way with us. Our zone does us no good because they can't deny penetration on that either. Our bigs don't do a good job of rotating and planting the drivers on their ass. Nobody is scared to drive because not only are our bigs not shot blockers but they don't rotate hard and foul a guy on their ass. So if your not going to hold teams down then you better be putting the ball in the hoop more. It's not a complicated issue. I think we took Jok for granted in that the dude could put 20 up on you no sweat. And when he wasn't able to quite do it then others were getting better looks for themselves. (JBo especially)

As deep of a team as Iowa is they are a 3 man team. JBo, Cook and Moss. If any of those 3 are off Iowa can't win. All 3 have to be having good games to be in it. The others are just too sporadic to count on for any consistency yet,
Let's do it!

Let's do it!

How about Grinnells old coach he's all about that cherry picking no D all O type of style. I'm not sure if they still do that or not but that's a different way to play basketball. About 10 years ago I went and watched them play it's pretty fun. They pretty much pressed you for the first 50 feet and if they didn't get you to turn it over they gave you a layup in a two on 1 scenario.
Well putting up over 100 outta be enough. This is me gloating. I was right. It took a great night by 3 Hawks to do it.
JBo went nuts Cook did pretty good and Moss did ok. He didn't completely disappear like sometimes he does but JBo compensated for him not putting up more than 12.
The X factor is obviously Garza. Iowa isn't getting a lot from the bench. Albeit Kreiner had a few nice mins. Garza when he can do that and be aggressive is huge. Making 30 plus free throws and shooting over 82% there don't hurt either....

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