Our Graduation Rate, Are We In Trouble?


Well-Known Member
I know the NCAA has sanctions for teams that fail to meet specific graduation rates, I don't know exactly how the rules work and what the sanctions are. My question is are we looking at potential trouble? Over the last several years we have had numerous kids leave prior to graduation, and our 5 year rate must be anemic. That has to catch up to us right?
I know the NCAA has sanctions for teams that fail to meet specific graduation rates, I don't know exactly how the rules work and what the sanctions are. My question is are we looking at potential trouble? Over the last several years we have had numerous kids leave prior to graduation, and our 5 year rate must be anemic. That has to catch up to us right?

Who has stayed their entire career and left without graduating? We havent had many stay long enough to qualify
I thought this was only an issue for players flunking out, etc. I could be mistaken, but I believe someone said before that if they transfer in good academic standing, it doesn't count against us. Something along those lines.
I thought this was only an issue for players flunking out, etc. I could be mistaken, but I believe someone said before that if they transfer in good academic standing, it doesn't count against us. Something along those lines.

This is 100% accurate