Other than Bennie Sapp...

Jewel Hampton is leaving early for draft.
Did many of the guys that were shown the door by Ferentz ever even get on anywhere else?
coker was if he played anymore. anyone who disagrees is just being bitter towards a kid that is leaving.
Coker is too slow to play in the NFL. He's an above average college RB but not NFL material.

people said brandon jacobs was too slow too. i know coker isnt as big but he is solid. and has proven he take the wear. most teams feature thunder and lightning style runners. coker would have been a thunder to another rb.
Not many good enough to be NFL caliber players. James Cleveland and Jewel had solid college careers after Iowa but neither will play significant minutes in the NFL. James Townsend played on a team that had Kenny Britt, Brian Leonard and Ray Rice and rarely saw the ball. Ryan Bain never got over his injury problems.
James Cleveland was a UFA with the Cowboys this past year after a successful career with Houston, but I don't think he ever made the active roster.
Wasn't making an argument, just curious about the exit pathway.

The kids that seem to transfer the most are those that are beat out for positions by more talented players or those that have discipline or other personal issues. Neither are good attributes for eventually making it to the NFL.
The kids that seem to transfer the most are those that are beat out for positions by more talented players or those that have discipline or other personal issues. Neither are good attributes for eventually making it to the NFL.

Disagree. The majority transfer to be closer to home or because they are not getting enough early playing time or like Derby are unhappy with position changes.

The disciplinary transfers are just the ones we remember because they are often times already starters, but they are the minority.

There are plenty of examples of guys who had to wait 3 and even 4 years to see the field and eventually made the NFL.

Just given Iowas track record it is common sense to assume that allot of those guys who transferred instead of waiting would have had a shot at the pros had they stuck it out at Iowa. In fact I would say its a sure bet.

Jeff Tarpinian made the NFL with out ever starting at Iowa, that doesn't happen if he is playing many other places.

I feel bad for Derby as he just made an incredibly stupid decision. At this point he is not ever going to be a QB at a big time school let alone in the NFL but he definitely could have been a LB or defensive end.

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