OT: Flying Tush Push


Well-Known Member
Slow day. I was thinking of how absurd the tush push as an NFL play. It used to be illegal (remember Reggie Bush and USC) and I suspect the rule gets changed again because Philly is too damn good at it.

But, how about this. You put your smallest guy at QB, like a small slot reciever. Somebody like 170 pounds. You put two 300 pound DE two steps behind him on one knee shoulder to shoulder. QB takes a step back and sits on their shoulder pads and they instantly do a box jump and launch the guy in the air 10 feet over the line. Let's not get too bogged down with the physics or if this would really work. I mean they do it with Chinese acrobats in Vegas all the time. If it would work, is it legal? Seems like just an elaborate push, just like Philly does.
I don't know about the pros, but in college ball you're not allowed to use anything other than the ground as a launching pad. For example, to block a FG, you can't run, and then jump off the back of your own player to launch over the OLinemen or block the FG.

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