OT: Antonio Brown. Wow, just wow.

Pretty clear the guy is a mentally disturbed person. He'll probably blow all his money some day and be either homeless or living in a shack and no one will want anything to do with him.
Could you imagine if you were a well educated, good hearted, hard working person and you had to live next door to that foul mouthed thug?!?!?
You have to feel for the guy. The extreme pressure he has been under especially since the release of his Rap song. I mean record labels haven’t been leaving him alone plus all the NFL teams knocking on his door. /sarcasm

the guy is a tool
I thought Tomlin was overrated. But given what he was dealing with making the Steelers functional as long as he did, he deserves a lot of credit.

It is clear AB is a nutcase, Roethlisberger has his issues and Le’Veon Bell was a guy that didn’t know how to be an adult. Yet, it didn’t go sideways until last year.
Sorry, but I have no sympathy for the guy. He had a good situation in Pittsburgh and threw it away on purpose.

Heck he had an alright deal with raiders too.

Having said that. I'd take him on my NFL team if NFL ever lets him play. If you got the best therapist money could by to stay on the sideline.

Sorry I don't really care about whether a player is a role model or good person off the field. But he would still likely mess up the locker room.
That guy is too much of a project for any coach. Any NFL team that pays him a dime needs to clean house and fire everyone.
It is so weird to me that someone can be so offended by a word, yet use the word themselves all the time. It's like a woman hating the word cunt, but then she goes around calling everyone a cunt. It doesn't make sense. My wife hates the word moist. She never uses it. Imagine if she called every cake she came across moist, then got mad at everyone around her for using the word.
Pretty clear the guy is a mentally disturbed person. He'll probably blow all his money some day and be either homeless or living in a shack and no one will want anything to do with him.
Could you imagine if you were a well educated, good hearted, hard working person and you had to live next door to that foul mouthed thug?!?!?
Or hiring him and having to pretend you enjoy having him work/represent your organization. Or having to play with him and act like he's a 'good guy'. No just no. GMs and owners that consider bringing him in shouldn't be putting others that'd have to deal with him HCs assistants and other players in that position. Period. I wouldn't want that guy around anybody I cared about. No thanks
CTE + money + hood rat = Antonio Brown.

Not sure what all the surprise is...
I'm not surprised he acts that way anymore at all. Only thing that kinda gets me is that he's dumb enough to record himself doing it and then posting it for the world to see and puff his chest out being proud of it. That's what makes his behavior that extra special kind of stupid. That lack of self awareness just isn't comprehendible to logical normal people. Dude needs help and by no means should he have access to kids. Good lord almighty keep them away from him.
How would you like to have the coin to buy a house on that street...and end up with that for a neighbor.

HOAs get a bad reputation, but that guy is why you want one. My aunt and uncle live on a lake by Clemson and there are a fair number of former UGA and Clemson guys who have houses on the lake. Probably a million bucks minimum to get in there these days. They told me one guy (I forget who) had a major rager at his new lake house that went over like a fart in church on Easter Sunday, but that after the HOA's lawyer called his lawyer the guy went door to door to apologize and has never had any further issues. A guy who talks like that in front of his kids is not someone you want as a neighbor, though.

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