OT: Alex Karras joins lawsuit against NFL

Money grab.

What's next? Soilders suing the government for combat related injuries? Golfers suing the PGA for hip/back problems? NASCAR drivers suing for injuries sustained in a crash?

Nobody made Alex play. Soilders from our recent past were drafted and did not have a choice. Many didn't make it home. Such is life. Buck up Karras.
trapperjon, you sir are tragically uninformed, and your admonishment to "buck up" is seriously out of line. What is happening in the NFL is long overdue. There have been way too many head injuries, concussions and other serious types of injuries that have debilitated ex-NFL players that the NFLPA and the league have done very little about until Mr. Goodell took over. There have been numerous studies and research that show the link between concussions, head injuries, and early onset dementia. This does not even take into account the suicides of ex-NFL players who were suffering from debilitating physical and mental health conditions. All Mr. Karras is doing is joining in with other players in the lawsuit to bring attention to the problems that have for too long been swept under the rug. This is the NFL's "dirty little secret" so to speak, but it is beginning to come to light that there is much more that could have been done, and needs to be done to protect players. I know of a young man, former Hawkeye who played in the NFL for (7) years and who now suffers from severe migraines and other serious conditions that were the direct result of concussions and residual damage over time from hits taken and recieved both in college while playing for the Hawkeyes and from his time in the NFL. He is in his early 30's and has been part of a lawsuit related to concussions brought by the NFLPA. Before you spout off on a man and make claims of a "money grab", perhaps you should check your facts and take some time to educate yourself about a very serious and emerging issue that impacts upon not only NFL players, but has implications for football beginning at the youth level and all levels up to and including the NFL. The young man I know is a very successful sportswriter and journalist for a very well respected NFL website, as well as writing for a number of prestigious newspapers. He saved his NFL money and makes a nice living for himself, and really has no interest in the money aspect of things, he's more concerned about his health and providing for his family. Alex Karras has more than paid his dues and deserves empathy and respect, not some baseless rant about a "money grab", and being told by some @hole to "buck up".
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bowenfan, the problem you have is that that research didn't exist in the 50's and 60's. The majority of the information we have on head injuries is within the last decade. It's conversely unfair to throw the NFL under the bus on this when the medical field has largely been behind the curve on it as well. In fact, Karras played at the peak of one of the biggest changes in the game when they started allowing plastic helmets. So, given what was known at the time, they had made an unprecedented change in safety.

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