Orange Bowl Lady


New Member
Great win last night Hawkeyes! I'm very proud to be a fan today.

Don't know if this had been posted yet, but did anyone notice how goofy that Orange Bowl president (the lady that did the coin toss and spoke after the game)? I found myself chuckling out-loud by how quirky she was. I truly think she was drunk at the end of the game at the trophy presentation.

Go Hawks! Orange Bowl BCS Champions!
She was just making sure she got everything out, without slurring her words. i doubt she had ever been on national tv before. probably a little scared.
Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. We don't know her situation and the circumstances nor her experience in the spot light.

I saw the coin toss and her trophy presentation. She sounded fine to me.
Grandma was cute but I dont think she even realized a football game was going on...
There were a few things that have been missed:

To begin her post game statement: First of all I would like to congratulate the Georgia Tech Yellowjackets blah, blah, blah......then almost as an afterthought..Also I would like to congratulate the Iowa (slight pause) Team, doesn't even remember we're the damn Hawkeyes blah blah blah and their athletic director Gary Bartoe......Bartoe, Bartoe are you serious lady, didn't you have dinner and other prepared activities with him? blah, blah, blah and then looks off to her left (TV right) and appears to get some sort of congratulatory approval from someone.

Lady if you can't speak in public or at the very least have something prepared ahead of time then maybe you shouldn't put your mug on national television.

The guy from FedEx was great (FedEx right?). He was witty and on point.
she needs to go back to her cave and stay there, probably does a great job in cave management

and what was with them on stage dancing at half time (I use the word dancing very loosely)
It's obvious to the objective viewer that grandma's poor performance last night was due to her shooting herself in the foot.
I'm pretty sure her day started with pitchers of mimosas and ended with rounds of screwdrivers to get her Vitamin C and promote Florida oranges.
She was slurring her words.......I think she was drunk - The Iowa student section prolly showed her how it's done in the parking lot before the game.....Beer Pong Style!
Did you see her and the other Orange Bowl board members on the stage with Kool and the Gang at halftime? They were more entertaining to watch than the band. The "Orange Bowl Lady" at least tried to dance around a little but the other 3 or 4 ladies that were with her were totally out of their element and basically just stood there looking very uncomfortable.

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